hi i am having an issue where the posters for some movies are not being displayed while others are
i have a copy of the correct poster in the same folder as the movie file and i also have tried loading the one from the thumbnails folder for some reason a couple of movies will not display a poster instead i get the following
here is what the file structure looks like

Frodo or Eden? If Frodo, have you run Artwork Downloader? Tell it to use local files if that's what you want.
yes using latest version of frodo 12.2 i have run artwork downloader before but that was when i was using the Aeon Nox skin and needed it to download logos for tv shows
i will try again and use the tip of setting local files and will report back if worked or not
Update: Ran through artwork downloader with local files checked and it still did not work
it is weird for some reason it is only on metropolis skin i have tested in Aeon Nox as well as confluence and the poster shows up just not in metropolis
i would like to use the skin as i do think it is great but this is just one of those things that will annoy to have missing posters amongst others that work fine all the metadata and artwork is named the same i cannot figure out why some work and some don't at first i thought it might be because the title start with numbers but i went through my collection and there are movies that do not start with numbers that have the same issue
here is the same movie but in the confluence skin all i did was switch skins i did not change any other setting and this is on a default fresh install of xbmc

Metropolis doesn't use the local image files -- it uses what is in the database. Not sure why yours is set to what looks like fanart and also not sure why Artwork Downloader isn't pulling it in, but.. you can correct it by pressing 'i' on the affected titles and 'Choose Artwork'.
Maybe Metropolis is still using ListItem.Icon instead of ListItem.Art(poster).
Strange, I've just checked the code and I can only find one instance of
ListItem.Art(poster) and that's the low list view.

Hmm, ok, I fired off that reply as I was on my way out the door without too much thought because I was certain I addressed all this back when Frodo was released..
I am pretty sure ListItem.Icon is still synonymous with ListItem.Art(poster) in this case, is it not? At least, it's working fine for me here on several different installs.
If I had to guess, I think Artwork Downloader is not using his local artwork for whatever reason. It works in other skins because they probably still have fallbacks to read the -poster.jpg directly from disk, whereas Metropolis no longer has those fallbacks.
edit: It seems I just don't have any movies with the thumb() label.. apparently not a lot of others do either, since no one has complained.. anyway, I'll fix it.
Fix pushed up. Will be releasing a new version of Metropolis shortly (tonight or tomorrow), so you'll see it soon.
awesome jingai i will check out when i get a chance just so you know before this i did try several times to press i and choose poster that in fact was one of the first things i did try by selecting both remote and local and neither worked but i appears you may have figured out what the issue was and (hopefully) my setup should work once it is updated
will let know you know here either way
Yeah, it should just work once I get the new version pushed up.
(2013-05-07, 19:04)jingai Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, it should just work once I get the new version pushed up.
yep it's working thanks though can't believe it hasn't been caught before i have noticed it from a while ago i was not using my htpc much back then so didn't take the time to look into it a bit more but as you can see below now working

The posters probably weren't scraped initially and a screen grab got assigned to the thumb value.
Congratulations for the amazing skin
Metropolis and Ace are my favorite skins.
But i still have this problem with the thumbs (posters)
My collection is big 850 movies and at least the 50% , appear this problem.
So i have to choose art , one by one
Can you please guide me how to correct the posters?
I love the view : Poster and Fanart
It is fantastic .................
(2013-06-08, 19:05)SALAMINOMACHOS Wrote: [ -> ]But i still have this problem with the thumbs (posters)
My collection is big 850 movies and at least the 50% , appear this problem.
So i have to choose art , one by one
Can you please guide me how to correct the posters?
Not sure which issue you're referring to exactly, but you have tried running Artwork Downloader, yes?
And to verify, this is on XBMC 12 and the officially-released version of the skin right?