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Hello to everyone
I use advertisement panel in Xperience binBD skin mod, with this command

So how to disable sound from video, and just released sound when I stop on advertisement panel.
I was used mute command to stop sound <onclick>mute</onclick>
but is not practical, with mute I disable buttons sound.
does anyone have a solution for this.
Thanks in advance
Moving this to skinning help
I not understand what I do wrong?
Is this forbidden question, where to find help for my question.
I apologize once again
You didn't do anything wrong. Kibje moved it here because he thought it would get better attention from the people who might best be able to answer this.
Yes of course,now I see I try to respect the rules on forum.
Not sure i understand what you want, but:
<onfocus condition="Control.HasFocus(ID)">mute</onfocus>
<onunfocus condition="Player.Muted">mute</onunfocus>
Thanks MassIV
I will try your command
I'm trying to do the same effect as the Xbox 360 new dashboard with advertisement panel.
I am sorry my english is not well,on this link you can see full story if you have time.


Thanks again to help.
Not work command MassIV
Maybe I make mistake, here is my xml this is just part of xml:

<control type="group" id="503">
<control type="button" id="5031">
<onclick condition="System.HasAddon(script.watchlist)">PlayMedia($INFO[Container(5032).ListItem.Property(Path)])</onclick>
<control type="label">
<control type="image">
<control type="videowindow" id="533">
<control type="image">
<visible>!ControlGroup(502).HasFocus + System.InternetState</visible>

With this command <onclick>mute</onclick>
I have control on sound from video , but I lose sound for button in home panel.
So I don't know is it possible to set this,video mute, buttons home are not mute.
Mute is "toggle":
Mute first time = mute.
Mute second time = unmute.

You need to do mute again, after video stops.

You need condition that stays the same while you play advertisement.
Or condition when to do second mute (= unmute).

Like is there focus on one button the whole time?
Or can you substring the player path for a certain folder?
Is there a control that is only visible while you do this?
Sorry now I don't know what I need to do. How do I write a line.
I apologize
Download link for skin with advertisement panel?
Your current version.
ok I must to upload skin on skydrive.
After I set up a link
Sorry dude, i'm not doing this.
Maybe someone else can help you.
Hallo MassIV
Thanks for trying, I understand you.I think for this no have solution.