Due to more and more use of https hls streams it will be very helpful, that xbmc use ffmpeg library compiled with Gnu_tls or openssl library.
That will help addon scripter to get more streamfiles played.
Because I'm not familiar with compiling, maybe some one can achive this.
I' very happy to get it working in rpi openelec Image with ffmpeg openssl enabled library.
So PLEASE include the Feature as Standard way.
what version would that be ?
Current gotham builds have ffmpeg 1.2
@Kibje: it's a build switch because it requires additional third party libraries IIRC.
it requires either openssl - not GPL compatible or gnutls.
This request needs to be fully discussed as to the impact on all platforms.
So how did it go?
More and more of the Tv addons in Europe will be useless soon if no ssl is implemented.
As all of them are starting to go https soon or already have as Svt-play.
And then we will have very little use for xbmc as normal users.
is there any example of a streaming site/addon that needs this? Provide some and I'll try if they work with and SSL enabled ffmpeg.
Wsnipx. Thanks but unfortunately i´m a windows user.
One example is SVT-Play, all content except for the live stream that is not yet done as to day.
And I did find this on the subject :
Thanks for looking into it...
Just found this thread. I have a raspberry pi, wait, I have too! Just love the machine. Have raspbmc installed. When svtplay changed there homepage I cried.
I'm not a crying guy. Only cried 3 times in my whole life.
1. Pain.
2. Hachiko (movie whit Richard Greer), I know. I know.
3. Svtplay stopped working.
Hoping for a fix!
/ harre
XBMC worked great with the svtplay addon until one or two weeks ago. I understand that you are participating in a fork of XBMC. If enabling Gnu-tls in ffmpeg helps to make XBMC useful again for svtplay in your fork, how can your patch be backported to XBMC "main stream" so that "official" XBMC, linux and windows, OpenElec and Raspbmc as soon as possible will support it? I'm just a user and have no insight in XBMC internal policies. I would be happy to test your patch but unfortunately I'm not a programmer so compling and testing is beyond my knowledge.
it won't be patched into already released versions.
you will have to wait till next one
Is there a nightly build that it will work on?
I can see the hobby in xbmc., But to claim that this is useful for the regular user...
I can´t make changes to the py files. And then I become bullied for trying ... No no. I give up and move on ...