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I've just update my Samsung Tab 3 10.1 x86 running JB 4.2.2 to xbmc 13.0 ALPHA12 Git:20140112 5ce3697 and have found the old problem of MediaCodec not working and just giving the Green screen and then a lined screen, see insert


Also here is a log


As I've said before it's not to much of a hassle as Libstagefright h/w accel works great but I think it would be great to have this bug fixed.
iechyd da
logs: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=114191

I have an Mele M8 that I'm trying to get working with XBMC -- it doesn't work with libstagefright (I posted to that thread as well) or mediacodec with the nightlies.

Symptoms: I play a file and the audio plays but there is no video. Stopping the video or reaching the end freezes XBMC.

The players included with the box work well. The player with ES file explorer also works, so he hardware is capable.

Any help is appreciated!
Er, not need to crosspost. MediaCodec and libstagefright are the same android apis. If a file is not readable one one, it won't be in the other either.
As already said, please try other files than your "720_at_60fps.ts"

Re the player included in the box, it probably uses closed api we don't have access to.
If you try with MX player, try in "HW+" mode, which uses the same "standard" api as we do.
Thanks for clarifying -- I'll stop posting here. I also tried a TV episode and it didn't work either... think I posted logs. I'll try that MX player (and post in the other thread)
Hi. I'm on the 30th January nightly. Playing h.264 high profile mp4 videos with mediacodec on mk808 (rk3066) android 4.2.2 1080p kernel all videos 1920x800 are fine. If resolution is 1920x1080 stuttering is very high and irregular. On libstagefright 1920x800 or higher videos have many dropped frames but are not as irregular as with mediacodec (although CPU usage is noticeable higher and overal frame rate seems lower as well).
Any chance this will be solved in the future? Good work so far improving the nightlies Smile
Please provide logs corresponding to the stuttering videos.
How can we make our users understand we need the hard facts inside the logs, rather than more or less precise descriptions, to be able to efficiently solve issues...

Note however that old RK firmwares are known to be problematic with 1080p.
I gave you logs...
(2014-02-04, 11:36)micahg Wrote: [ -> ]I gave you logs...
I was not replying to you, either...
(2014-02-04, 11:52)Koying Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-02-04, 11:36)micahg Wrote: [ -> ]I gave you logs...
I was not replying to you, either...

Here is the log doing the following:
Open XBMC, play stuttering movie, close and play non stuttering movie, close and play another stuttering movie...
First time doings this so I apologize for any wrong doing...
Uh... Makes no sense to me... By 6th, you mean http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/androi...bi-v7a.apk , right?
Could you post a log, please.
Yes that's the one and I know it make's no sense to me either as its been working great. I can't do a log as I've got a problem with the Hub tools not being compatible
(2014-02-07, 16:01)sheepybach Wrote: [ -> ]Koying,
Yes that's the one and I know it make's no sense to me either as its been working great. I can't do a log as I've got a problem with the Hub tools not being compatible

The XBMC log uploader add-on from XBMC.org should work :P
Sorry been busy but the 7th Feb nightly is working again with mediacodec. I'm going to keep an eye on this and keep a log. Sorry to have been a pain.
Nah, it's cool. We'd rather know about issues than not know about issues :)
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