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(2013-11-27, 00:55)aizukanne Wrote: [ -> ]No problem. Will test any release you provide and share results.

Ok, try if version 3.3.1 that I've just pushed to Git solves the problem.
3.3.1 fixed thumbnails for me. Thanks pecinko!
Working perfectly now, you are the man
Hi, because I don't like the recently added shelf without episodes being stacked to seasons (as you may know from the Plex forums Wink ), I tried to fix the PleXBMC setting that allows to choose which shelfs to show and came up with some very, very minor changes to the code to allow its use (at least in Amber, haven't checked another skin). I created a pull request on GIT, if you want to take a look.
Hi Pecinko

Further to my last request, I noticed that when I log in to myPlex on (latest Amber and 3.3.1 PleXBMC) I get the script error and the shelf items don't populate.

Anything you know that might fix this would be welcomed, happy to hand edit some files if you want me to test.

A litte more back ground, I have two PMS....both signed in to the same myPlex (PlexPass) account and in different locations...I am not sure if the script error occurs with myPlex signed in on PleXBMC if one only has one PMS (I will try and let you know).

(2013-11-27, 22:52)smacrae Wrote: [ -> ]Further to my last request, I noticed that when I log in to myPlex on (latest Amber and 3.3.1 PleXBMC) I get the script error and the shelf items don't populate.

Anything you know that might fix this would be welcomed, happy to hand edit some files if you want me to test.

Give 3.3.2 a go and let me know if the problem persists.

(2013-11-27, 16:55)tube82 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, because I don't like the recently added shelf without episodes being stacked to seasons (as you may know from the Plex forums Wink ), I tried to fix the PleXBMC setting that allows to choose which shelfs to show and came up with some very, very minor changes to the code to allow its use (at least in Amber, haven't checked another skin). I created a pull request on GIT, if you want to take a look.

I've seen PR but I'm afraid that won't work with Amber Smile You will need to edit def fullShelf instead or wait a bit until my python improves and I find a way to stack episodes Smile

(2013-10-29, 13:40)im85288 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the advice, however it is not working as expected. Maybe this is because everything is local (i.e. all in the same house) but no matter what I put into the plexbmc settings the on deck status is always the one of the default server.I tested with the plex web UI to see what the difference was in the calls to get the on deck sections and noticed this:

Initial support for profiles is there with latest changes I've made. Problem is home main menu items seems to be wrongly set or something for non-master profile. Maybe you'll find a solution, I didn't have time to dig further.
(2013-11-29, 20:29)pecinko Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013-11-27, 16:55)tube82 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, because I don't like the recently added shelf without episodes being stacked to seasons (as you may know from the Plex forums Wink ), I tried to fix the PleXBMC setting that allows to choose which shelfs to show and came up with some very, very minor changes to the code to allow its use (at least in Amber, haven't checked another skin). I created a pull request on GIT, if you want to take a look.

I've seen PR but I'm afraid that won't work with Amber Smile You will need to edit def fullShelf instead or wait a bit until my python improves and I find a way to stack episodes Smile

Have you tried it? I did and it works for me in Amber. I changed the line in fullShelf, ShelfOnDeck and shelf because I wasn't sure which one(s) is/are actually used Tongue
The PleXBMC shelf settings Recently added/On Deck/Both lead to the correct shelfs being displayed. I am also looking into the stacking thing, but didn't get very far yet.
If you don't want to merge it thats fine. Since it works for me I'll keep adding the lines in my copy anyway (until you, me or anyone else figures out a viable solution for stacking episodes) Smile
(2013-11-29, 22:43)tube82 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013-11-29, 20:29)pecinko Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013-11-27, 16:55)tube82 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, because I don't like the recently added shelf without episodes being stacked to seasons (as you may know from the Plex forums Wink ), I tried to fix the PleXBMC setting that allows to choose which shelfs to show and came up with some very, very minor changes to the code to allow its use (at least in Amber, haven't checked another skin). I created a pull request on GIT, if you want to take a look.

I've seen PR but I'm afraid that won't work with Amber Smile You will need to edit def fullShelf instead or wait a bit until my python improves and I find a way to stack episodes Smile

Have you tried it? I did and it works for me in Amber. I changed the line in fullShelf, ShelfOnDeck and shelf because I wasn't sure which one(s) is/are actually used Tongue
The PleXBMC shelf settings Recently added/On Deck/Both lead to the correct shelfs being displayed. I am also looking into the stacking thing, but didn't get very far yet.
If you don't want to merge it thats fine. Since it works for me I'll keep adding the lines in my copy anyway (until you, me or anyone else figures out a viable solution for stacking episodes) Smile

There is no real problem with merging your PR. However, I can't guarantee that my changes will not brake it in the future. I have more ideas I would like to try and my python skills are not good enoughSmile

If you can live with it I'll merge your changes?
Since the feature is currently not working I see no harm in it possibly breaking again in the future Smile
(2013-11-30, 17:33)tube82 Wrote: [ -> ]Since the feature is currently not working I see no harm in it possibly breaking again in the future Smile

F*ck that setting, episodes will be stacked in next release Smile
Version 3.3.3

Restrict shelf to 15 items per section
Stack OnDeck episodes
Works correctly for me.

Just a few little things:
Is it possible to use the season posters instead of the regular poster?
I am not completely sure because I haven't added a very lot of seasons since yesterday, but it seems that only one entry per show is shown, is that correct? IMO it is better to show each added season.
Here is an example: I added a whole new series with 5 seasons. The recently added shelf only shows season 5 of the series. I don't think this makes a lot of sense. It should either show season 1 (the first of the added seasons) or each added season (that's how it works in Plex).

Very minor: Amber shows the name of the selected season on the shelf as "Season1" instead of "Season 1". As I said, very minor. But in a skin this polished this should count Wink

Other than that the feature works as it should and does in Plex Smile

And one other thing: If I remeber correctly, the shelf in XBMC mode shows e.g. S01E01. Is there a reason to why in PleXBMC mode it shows E 1.1 instead? I don't really mind, but I think it should be consistent.
PleXBMC updated to 3.3.4

Speed improvements
Recent Seasons should be fixed

Use with updated Amber from Git:

PleXBMC version 3.3.4 (MOD by pecinko, KodeStar, zeflash)

Amber for XBMC Frodo version 1.2.7 (with plexbmc skin integration)

Amber for XBMC Gotham version 1.5.3 (with plexbmc skin integration)
Another great update!

The versions work great.
Each added season is now shown. My recently added shelf had 26 entries, not sure if that is wanted behaviour because of "Restrict shelf to 15 items per section", so I thought I'd mention it.

The shelf is getting closer to perfect with each release, keep up the great work! Season posters instead of TV show posters in recently added shelf are the only thing I'd like to see in a future version.
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