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Is there a folder structure for movie collections? ie Fast & Furious 1-6

I also want to be able to somehow save the poster and fanart for the collection (not the individual movies) as at the moment 'export library to separate files' is not capturing anything.
The collections are generally referred to as Movie Sets.

There is no specific folder structure required for Sets. All of that is handled with Metadata.

If you scrape from TheMovieDB.org it will pull down Set information automatically, and if you are a bit OCD like me and like to control everything yourself, you can add Set elements to any .nfo files that you have in your movie folders with your files.

You can do an Export from XBMC into your folders to get the nfo files created for you after XBMC has scraped your movies, then edit the nfo files, then remove your media source from XBMC and add it again to have XBMC use the local nfo files rather than re-scraping.

My guide to metadata and file naming conventions available here:

Movie sets info is not scraped from tmdb atm, only the sets in that collection so its grouped automatically so thers no need to have specific folders in fact better not.
My issue is that the movie set poster and fanart (which I have sourced myself and applied through xbmc 'Choose Art') doesn't save when I export my library.

The artwork for the films is rescraped locally but not for the movie set. It is time consuming and laborious to keep changing the artwork manually for the set. Am I missing something?
No. Your not missing anything, keep your userdata and restore done.

You also have the option of doing it via nfo... atm thers no one seemingly interested in movie sets art beyond what exists.
Actually, im interested in it, and so is the op.

@mw8t: You are not missing anything, it is quite manual right now.

I believe that Gotham is bringing some more enhanced support for sets.
Interest as in developing the functionality into XBMC Big Grin. See http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=181318 which would partly resolve having to add your own art, becuase then this art could come from tmdb or be uploaded there by users and be extended to address this more elegantly.

Gotham brings movie set managing suppport, nothing more especially related to art and such, as linked above no one has interest in developing it so far and since this set manager was introduced. Big Grin
Thanks for the replys guys. Will keep an eye out for Gotham.

TMDB already has movie set or 'collection' artwork. I can't see it being too hard to link into this the same way as for a single movie?
You cant see it but it is Big Grin
Or you could use this addon which will automatically add all of your downloaded movieset artwork for you... http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=153502
Nice one Big Grin, that will solve the ops query and my bookmark for future ref. though doesnt fetch art other than local so no good to me personally.
(2014-02-04, 15:09)dpar Wrote: [ -> ]Or you could use this addon which will automatically add all of your downloaded movieset artwork for you... http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=153502

Now that is what I'm looking for! Thanks dpar
MediaBrower3 Server will pull metadata from TMDB including artwork and description for collections. It can also write the .nfo files needed for XBMC. Just have to put your collections in folders with the [boxset] tag. The server is designed to work alongside XBMC while providing access to other clients.
The addon also lets you add logos for sets, which is a nice addition.