I have to warn for this skin. IF u install it on a pc it will destroy your xbmc leaving you with no other choice but to make a fresh install of xmbc.
Exactly, I have same bug with this skin, after download it work fine, but after restart XBMC i have nothing blank grey background from skin without main screen with Movies, Pictures, Settings etc. only is Help button which not work.
Only solution is to remove all userdata folder in Appdata/Roaming/XBMC to get back to default Confluence skin/settings, so you don't need reinstall XBMC.
Please fix that
Actually, you can open your guisettings.xml file in the userdata folder, and change the following line under the <lookandfeel> section:
<skin>"whatever touched is called"</skin>
Restart xbmc, and it will revert to the default Confluence skin. No deletion of the userdata folder required.
Or delete the skin folder
Or read on the description that it's a touchscreen skin and doesn't work for Keyboard /remote
I run this on Dell Venue 8 Pro so I dont use keyboard mouse, this skin has bug, but I installed newer nicer version of it re-Touched and work perfect.
Thank you for help anyway.