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Full Version: TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data
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Thanks for the great script.

I was wondering if it would be possible to have the next aired script update the tvshow status in the kodi database.
Currently it is blank. As it is a smart playlist created with the rule for tvshow status of new series will be empty.

That way you could create a smart playlist that displays only new/returning series.
UPDATE: without any clue why on my behalf, TV Show Next Aired resumed working correctly without any error

I don't know if I am posting in the right area but for the last 2 days, I have a problem with the addon TV Show Next Aired
When I start it, it start to update and before its 100% done I get a little error window at the bottom right saying:

tv show next aired error check the log for more information

I dont know what log this reffers to, or where to find it, what to look for in it, and more importantly how to fix this

I have been using XBMC turned KODI for close to 2 years including this invaluable add on without any issue until this happenned.

Thanks in advance
I only see two views for this addon in current skins. The panel across the top and the two panel side by side. Are there any others out there?
You should make it so that when you enter the addon, the days are hovered, not the Tv show posters, that way you can quickly check each day, instead of having to click up once on the remote THEN side to side. :] That would be awesome Big Grin
Hi there I am using tv library with emby server. And the addon doesn't work for me what may be the problem?
script is not working on my NAS XBMC...

can someone help

PHP Code:
07:32:46 T:140448394409744  NOTICEThread XBPyThread startauto deletefalse
:32:46 T:140448394409744  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
07:32:47 T:140448394409744   ERROREXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
Error Contents: /opt/python/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_socket.soundefined symbol_PyInt_AsInt
(most recent call last):
File "//.xbmc/addons/script.tv.show.next.aired/default.py"line 2in <module>
import ossysresocketurllibunicodedatathreading
"/opt/python/lib/python2.7/socket.py"line 47in <module>
import _socket
: /opt/python/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_socket.soundefined symbol_PyInt_AsInt
-->End of Python script error report<--


How do i disable notifications from just this addon in kodi, i get a list of what is on today every time i stat kodi or when i finish watching something. i don't what this to happen and cant find were to turn it off

Sounds like the skin is triggering it; which one are you using?
Titan, i did use Bello but have uninstalled it
found it in the titan skin setting, didn't even think to look in there. Thanks!!!!!
Wonder if anyone can help me. All schedule's are show up a day after it's suppose to. Shows that air On Monday are showing up as Tuesday. Tuesday are showing up as Wednesday and so forth. I don't know what I did wrong. Can anyone help?
Im new to using blogs so hopfully this is in the right place
I found this through looking to change the waynext aired is shown. In conflience it looked great, now im using aeon nox silvo and it does not look good at all. Same in reg aeon nox id like it to look like the screen shot as another person here mentioned. (Days of week across the top shows below with fanart and episode info) Please help
Smile Hi WayneD

First of all, thank you for this TV Show Next Aired feature. I am using the Rapier skin and the script integrates well with this skin.

I am using this addon for 3 main achievement:
- being informed of "today" shows
- being informed of the upcoming shows
- being informed of "yesterday" shows

I am following shows from various countries and "today" and "yesterday" are relative to the timezone I am referring to. An interesting new feature would be to have both information.

I am pretty sure I am not the only one following shows from various countries involving various different timezones and I guess this is why @dnlg is having this day related issue
(2016-03-12, 23:30)dnlg Wrote: [ -> ]Wonder if anyone can help me. All schedule's are show up a day after it's suppose to. Shows that air On Monday are showing up as Tuesday. Tuesday are showing up as Wednesday and so forth. I don't know what I did wrong. Can anyone help?
and I was thinking of 3 features you may take into consideration:

1- Home Screen
Huh Would it be possible to have the option to select
Option to: Show tv shows dates in home screen based on TV Show timezone.
Or : Show tv shows dates in home screen based on Kodi System timezone.

2- Addon Screen
Huh Would it be possible to have the option to select
Option to: Show tv shows dates in addon screen based on TV Show timezone.
Or : Show tv shows dates in addon screen based on Kodi System timezone.

3- TV Guide screen Information Display
Huh Would it be possible to have the option either to select : DEFAULT
Latest Episode

either option to select : INTERNATIONAL
Kodi air date:
Network air date:

Latest Episode

As an example, for the tv show "The Last Man On Earth" show episode next aired Sunday 9:30/8:30c Apr 17 on FOX (US)

here is what would be displayed with preferences set to
1- TV Show timezone
2- TV Show timezone

Title: Fourth Finger
Episode: S02E15
Runtime: 25 MINUTES
Latest Episode: S02E14 (16.04.10)

Network: FOX (US)
Country: USA

here is what would be displayed with preferences set to
1- TV Show timezone
2- TV Show timezone

Title: Fourth Finger
Episode: S02E15
Kodi air date: Mo 18-APR 3:30am
Network air date: Su 17-APR 9:30/8:30c

Runtime: 25 MINUTES
Latest Episode: S02E14 (16.04.10)
Network: FOX (US)
Country: USA

Thanks again for this nice and useful script.

Would there be a way to change what selecting an episode in the addon does? Currently, it goes to Kodi's library but I'd love to have a configurable path for the action. For instance, search the Netflix addon for the show..
Just me or something has changed.....today...

On Kodi beta 3 + script.tv.show.next.aired (6.0.15) i don't get anymore some episode information in ListItem.Property ....

NextTitle, NextDate,.......gone....

tested on some skins, same result Sad

tv.show.next.aired window guide work nice with all information....
but inside other windows(dialogVideoInfo for example), don't work anymore.....

Worked 2 days ago....