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(2014-05-22, 23:14)Hitcher Wrote: [ -> ]I realised I removed too much, here you go -

Hey again!
You fixed this perfectly a month ago.. is it available somewhere by now?
Almost, I've got a to-do list for this, XeeBo, and Alaska that I want to clear up first. And I'm currently hard at work on Substratum.
(2014-06-27, 17:43)Hitcher Wrote: [ -> ]Almost, I've got a to-do list for this, XeeBo, and Alaska that I want to clear up first. And I'm currently hard at work on Substratum.
All righty, thanks for the status! Smile
Hi! Love this skin and I'm using it right now as my default. I noticed something though, and that is if a thumbnail image filename contains the word 'default' it becomes invisible. (To me it only happened when in 'episode' view - 51). I solved it by removing the line
from ViewType.xml, under <!-- Episode image -->.

I'm not sure what the purpose of the line is but so far I haven't noticed anything weird from removing it.


Thanks for a great skin!
Hi Hitcher,

Im getting a black screen when entering Live TV.
The log gives me this:
21:37:52 T:2456 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10615
21:37:52 T:2456 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
21:37:52 T:2456 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyPVRChannels.xml) ------
21:37:52 T:2456 INFO: Loading skin file: MyPVRChannels.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
21:37:52 T:2456 ERROR: unable to load:C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\skin.conq\16x9\MyPVRChannels.xml, Line 0
Failed to open file

I browsed to the location of MyPVRChannels.xml, but no such file in the dir.

Any ideas why i have this issue?

I'm not up to date with releases but... are you using a Helix build? This seems to be a new requirement of Helix that isn't present in Gotham. Until Hitcher updates Conq, I'm guessing PVR functions won't work as intended in Helix.

Wiki link: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Ski...ix_release
yep.. using nightly builds.

Any plans for supporting Helix builds while in development?
i also would like that but i think we are out of hope. though i understand why most theme devs won't update so soon.
(2014-08-01, 19:37)TjaLfE Wrote: [ -> ]yep.. using nightly builds.

Any plans for supporting Helix builds while in development?

Well.. that's bad news... but also understandable Smile

I hope some with the skills can make a MOD to make PVR work in Helix
Why not use a Gotham stable release?
In the RC, if in vertical menu, I have no submenus enabled and I press right as if I did, I then have to press down (or up) twice to get the menu to move. Not a major bug, but a bug none-the-less Smile

I love your work Hitcher. I used Alaska for so long before I recently updated my AppleTVs to Crystalbuntu 2.
(2014-08-30, 09:55)SurefireObject Wrote: [ -> ]Having major graphical issues since yesterday. Nothing that appears on-screen leaves the screen so as I navigate, it all collects. And it all flickers. It's the only skin I'm having any issues with. I was using it on Thursday night with no issues, left it on while I was out Friday and came home to problems. No idea what started it. I've tried reinstalling to no avail. Running 13.2.


Got the same issue, was working fine but after a reboot it's gone all bad, managed luckily to change back to Confluence, shame I really like that skin, on Boxee Box here XBMC 13.2
It looks like the album widgets are mixed up. 'Recommended' is actually 'Random' and vice versa.
(2014-10-05, 14:38)sbrick Wrote: [ -> ]It looks like the album widgets are mixed up. 'Recommended' is actually 'Random' and vice versa.

Thanks, fixed for next release.
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