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Full Version: Shared Lib not updating?
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Good Morning All,

I'm using:

Synology Nas - for mysql,
raspberry pi - mod b - Raspbmc - running 12.3
windows 7 - running 12.3
samsung s4 - running 12.3

Its all setup sharing the same mysql database, the sources.xml, profiles.xml and mediasources.xml are all shared from the nas.
each has the same advancedsettings.xml, and i know this bit works as the sources and mediasources are all correct on all three devices without me setting them up on the raspberrypi and s4 (i used my windows install to set it all up).

The problem i have is this:.
The pi runs 24/7.
When i download a new video, i put it in the appropriate folder, and run xbmc on the pc. It picks it up, tags it gets artwork etc no problems.

The pi and s4 however need a library update to pick up the new video. Is this how shared works? i was hoping that by updating the lib in one place, it would automatically appear in the rest.
No, thats wrong. A working shared library will only need updating from one machine. Also, you do not need to share sources between machines with a working MySQL library as the paths are held in the shared database.

When you add your media to your win7 machine, did you add it as local media? You must add it with the correct network path by navigating to it via (presumably) SMB when you add it as a source in XBMC.

The other thing to check is that all the machines are connecting to your shared library correctly. If not they will fallback to creating local databases. A debug log (wiki) from the Pi and your win7 machine will show if they are loading your advancedsettings.xml correctly and if they are indeed connecting to your MySQL instance on your NAS.
The media is always put in a folder on my nas, and added to xbmc by just running a library update...

Im sure it is using advancedsettings.xml when i set it up - i didnt add any files to the pi or s4, just pasted in the advancedsettings.xml (which also has the path for the sources!), If its not using advancedsettings.xml, it shouldn't know where to get the sources from!

If i want to be able to update the lib from any instance, do i need the sources.xml file available to all instances? (or at least the instance i want to update from?)

So only thing left is that it isnt connecting to mysql... Will; check the logs tonight, however I may just start from fresh installing 13.1 and work forward following the wiki again! I havent made many changes to the lib that scraping wont do anyway...

Anyone know if there is a dummy or even a full advancedsettings.xml file i can use/butcher?
I'm not aware of including paths in advancedsettings.xml when using a shared library Huh

The relevant part of advancedsettings to make it use a shared MySQL library is as follows
Obviously you need to substitute the username and password for the ones you set up in MySQL and the host address to point to your NAS as that is where the MySQL instance is running. Once you have done that, any XBMC instance loading it will be using the shared library. You would only need to add your sources to your win7 machine and use it to build the library, and your pi and S4 should automatically see all your files.


Have you used path substitution to add sources to your Pi ? If so, that is for sharing things between instances other than the library, such as playlists etc
Mine is:



       <default pathversion="1"></default>
       <default pathversion="1"></default>
           <path pathversion="1">smb://</path>
           <path pathversion="1">smb://</path>
       <default pathversion="1">music</default>
           <path pathversion="1">smb://</path>
       <default pathversion="1"></default>
       <default pathversion="1"></default>