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Any chance someone could create a Genre icon for "Live-Action" in this style?

Thanks in advance! It bugs me that I don't have a choice for cartoon/comic --> Live-action section.
How about this?

Er... sorry, I wasn't entirely clear.
I didn't mean copy the exact image. (Though, that does look good) I can't remember the
guy's name that made these icons, but each one has a different top which corresponds
to the Genre. The action one, for example, has Wesley Snipes and Clive Owen. The Animation
one has the Simpsons.

Live-Action refers to stuff like the G.I. Joe movies, or Space Battleship Yomoto movie.
Ahhhh - so ..... like spiderman and stuff?

I'm an old guy that spends most of his time hiding from the outside world.
Forgive me if I don't understand exactly what it is you're looking for.

I have a bunch of them from a guy called Xzener that I found on a very old site.
I'll see what's there that I can modify for you.
(2014-07-16, 03:50)McCordRM Wrote: [ -> ]Live-Action refers to stuff like the G.I. Joe movies, or Space Battleship Yomoto movie.

So .... like Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica?
I got a Lara Croft one. That what you mean?
No. Spider-Man fits the bill... but I tend to put that under Superheroes.
I'm talking about something changing from its original animated media type to Movie.
Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. were all video to begin with. Space Battleship Yomoto was
a saturday morning cartoon, and the same with G.I. Joe. Or something moving from
Anime (like the upcoming live-action Akira).
Bummer! What you're telling me is that I'm not going to find one I can modify. I really am going to have to create it.

I'm on it. You'll just have to be patient. Wink
Hehe... Photoshop powers, Activate!

Yea, the best examples of Live-Action are definitely:

1. Space Battleship Yomoto and Akira
2. Constantine (Being turned into a TV show, and was a Movie)
3. G.I. Joe, He-Man, etc.
What about stuff like Transformers, X-Men/Wolverine, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or even Inspector Gadget and the Flintstones Big Grin

I'm on the hunt for usable images of those ones you said.
yea... except stuff like X-Men. I use the Superheroes category for that... but that's just preference.
OOoooo... very well done!
Gotta love a satisfied customer Big Grin

here are some similar with .psd files for peeps to tinker with - the original package of xener's is on mediabrowser forum here
Xzener! That was the guy's name. Man, I couldn't remember that for the life of me.