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Full Version: TIDAL music (former WiMP)
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I'm not sure what you're talking about, but we've all been listening to lossless since the last update. You can't simply change the quality to lossless. You have to change it, log out, and then log back in again. You may even have to delete the add on settings/files after logging out, but I'm pretty sure you don't have to. I'd also guess that's why you're having trouble playing anything. Log out and then back in again and tell us if it works for you.
Finally, I can confirm that lossless works fine on my Raspberry Pi 2 (OSMC - Kodi). Thanks for pointing out about the logout/login option once again. I saw that tip previously in this forum chain, but I was looking for it in the wrong place. Actually I was looking for it in the "Addon Settings" dialog window where the username and password need to be entered; therefore, I was confused... Tried to clear the username and password and click OK button then re-entered login information, but it didn't work Sad. The login/logout line is actually in the addon interface itself and the reason I didn't see it because it is the last line in the menu and it was off the screen. The good thing I found it and the problem with lossless option went away.
Quote:Log out and then back in again and tell us if it works for you.

What do you mean by "log out and log back in"? Do you mean un install the Tidal add on then re install it?

Quote:You can't simply change the quality to lossless.
I understand I have to pay for lossless.

I know this is not the right area for this type of post but while I am at it I deleted movies out of Kodi but every time I press update movies in Kodi they keep coming back. I deleted the trash but they still continue to come back when I update. Question how do I get rid of them so they never come back?
Not uninstall the app but log out and then log back in from within the app.

I believe what you are looking for is to clean the library. Settings>>video>>library>>clean library.
I can't play anything anymore with this app. I have an valid subscription through Telenor that's been running since the Wimp days, and it worked until recently, but now it doesn't.
The login/logout suggestion worked for me as well, but Tidal would not complete the login until I rebooted the Pi. Those who can't successfully login again might try this.
Thanks, that worked. Tried first login/logout without luck, then rebooted and Tidal plays again...
I believe what you are looking for is to clean the library. Settings>>video>>library>>clean library.
No that did not work. The deleted movies return when the library is updated. Even if I send them to the trash and delete the trash they come back.

The log out log in seems to have worked as the album art now progresses track through track thank you although I dont know how I logged out and it did not ask me to log back in.
I believe what you are looking for is to clean the library. Settings>>video>>library>>clean library.
No that was not it it was another setting that was not checked off. The above is for a discrepancy between Kodi and the hard drive. But thanks all the same.

I hope someone can help me solve my problem.

Recently I installed Tidal for Kodi. Everytime I am trying to login I get the message: authorization problem

What can be the problem? Is it that I registered with my Facebook account and Tidal doesn't accept this? I am a paying Tidal customer (HIFI).

Hi everybody! Unfortunately Tidal keeps crashing Kodi on the Amazon FireTV 4K. Logs can be found here:

any idea what the reason might be?

Thanks and cheers,
Keeps crashing for me too
check best music on top sites http://raagtune.com/
Hi everyone! Is Music Video support coming to this plugin?
Hello TIDAL Fans,

I also missed the Music Video Support in the TIDAL Addon.
Because I'm a programmer, I analyzed the Python code of the Addon and modified it to play Music Videos.
After this I added more and more features into it which I missed.

This are the main features which I added:
- Music Video Support
- German Translation
- Full Favorites and User Playlist Support (including Videos in Playlists)
- Colored Labels to mark Favorites and User Playlist Members

takoi, how can I send you my version of the TIDAL Addon so you can test it and maybe integrate it into the Standard Version
of your plugin.audio.wimp Plugin ?
>> This can be the Version 2.0 of your Addon !
