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Full Version: Control XBMC/Kodi through JSON from an arduino
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Created some code to control XBMC/Kodi from an Arduino with Ethernet Shield through JSON.

The arduino sketch is a proof of concept, you need to modify it and integrate it in your own arduino code.

in XBMC/Kodi you need to disable login name and password to use it.


   XBMC Arduino sketch by M.J. Meijer 2014

   control XBMC/Kodi with an arduino through JSON

   disable password and username in xbmc


#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>

// arduino mac address
byte mac[] = {0xDE,0xAC,0xBF,0xEF,0xFE,0xAA};

// xbmc ip
byte xbmchost[] = {192,168,2,3};

EthernetClient client;

void setup()
  Serial.print(F("Starting ethernet..."));
  if(!Ethernet.begin(mac)) Serial.println("failed");
  else Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP());


void loop()
  /********** media buttons **********/
  /********** navigate **********/


  /********** fullscreen **********/


  /********** subtitles **********/

  /********** language **********/


  /********** start addons **********/

  /********** enable/disable addons **********/

  /********** navigate menu's **********/


  /********** play music **********/


  /********** select tv channel **********/


/*********** Send XBMC JSON **********/

void xbmc(char *method, char *params)
  if (client.connect(xbmchost,8090))
    client.print("GET /jsonrpc?request={\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"");
    client.println("},\"id\":1}  HTTP/1.1");
    client.println("Host: XBMC");
    client.println("Connection: close");

The code is also on github:


I use it for example on an arduino mega, wich functions as a domotica server, I let the arduino change the xbmc ip, if I power on my bedroom tv through the arduino , so the arduino knows, that I'm using a different tv with xbmc, and use the android app Tasker with voice commands, to let the arduino control XBMC, by sending http get request from Tasker to the arduino, or for example to switch between different boblightd configurations, you can enable/disable the boblight addon in XBMC, so it adjusts to the different boblight configs, etc...
Hi, I've been using part of your code to control my Kodi but since I needed to add user/password I cannot find any way to make the Authorization work.... this is what I've added:
Client.println("Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
Where XXXX is the Base64 encoded user:password, but still doesn't work. Any ideas ??