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Full Version: Wall view for video playlists
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I'm using video playlists to show things like unwatched movies. In Conq the Wall view is not available for the video playlists. It is available for the default movie view. How can I make the wall view available? I'm assuming I'll have to modify an xml file from addons\skin.conq\16x9 but I can't figure it out. I think Viewtype53 is the wall view.
In viewtype53.xml you need to change the visibility condition:

<!-- Thumbs -->
            <control type="panel" id="53">
                <onright condition="!Skin.HasSetting(KioskMode)">3001</onright>
                <viewtype label="Wall">icon</viewtype>
                <scrolltime tween="sine" easing="out">240</scrolltime>
                <visible>SubString(Container.FolderPath,videodb://movies/titles/) | SubString(Container.FolderPath,videodb://tvshows/titles/)</visible>

ie the last line. Try:

<visible>SubString(Container.FolderPath,videodb://movies/titles/) | SubString(Container.FolderPath,videodb://tvshows/titles/) | SubString(Container.FolderPath,special://profile/playlists/</visible>
Thanks! That worked perfectly!