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Hi i'm wondering how I can change videos part to just use the keymap in my movies title section. what would i rename "videos" to?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This file is automatically generated by Keymap Editor, do not edit. -->
<key id="61571">Info</key>

See Window IDs (wiki).
(2014-12-24, 08:00)Ned Scott Wrote: [ -> ]See Window IDs (wiki).

Thanks for the link, but I tried using that and it doesn't seem to work.

this is the keymapping program action

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2014 Thomas Amland
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

_actions = [
  ["Navigation", [
    "left"              , "Move Left",
    "right"             , "Move Right",
    "up"                , "Move Up",
    "down"              , "Move Down",
    "pageup"            , "Page Up",
    "pagedown"          , "Page Down",
    "select"            , "Select Item",
    "highlight"         , "Highlight Item",
    #"parentdir"         , "NAV_BACK",       # backward compatibility
    #"close"             , "NAV_BACK", # backwards compatibility
    "parentfolder"      , "Parent Directory",
    "back"              , "Back",
    "previousmenu"      , "Previous Menu",
    "info"              , "Show Info",
    "contextmenu"       , "Context Menu",
    "firstpage"         , "First Page",
    "lastpage"          , "Last Page",
    "nextletter"        , "Next Letter",
    "prevletter"        , "Previous Letter",

  ["Playback", [
    "play"              , "Play",
    "pause"             , "Pause",
    "playpause"         , "Play/Pause",
    "stop"              , "Stop",
    "skipnext"          , "Next",
    "skipprevious"      , "Previous",
    "fastforward"       , "Fast Forward",
    "rewind"            , "Rewind",
    "smallstepback"     , "Small Step Back",
    "stepforward"       , "Step Forward",
    "stepback"          , "Step Back",
    "bigstepforward"    , "Big Step Forward",
    "bigstepback"       , "Big Step Back",
    "chapterorbigstepforward", "Next Chapter or Big Step Forward",
    "chapterorbigstepBack"   , "Previous Chapter or Big Step Back",
    "osd"               , "Show OSD",
    "showtime"          , "Show current play time",
    "playlist"          , "Show Playlist",
    "fullscreen"        , "Toggle Fullscreen",
    "aspectratio"       , "Change Aspect Ratio",
    "showvideomenu"     , "Go to DVD Video Menu",
    "playercontrol(repeat)"   , "Toggle Repeat",
    "playercontrol(repeatone)", "Repeat One",
    "playercontrol(repeatall)", "Repeat All",
    "playercontrol(repeatoff)", "Repeat Off",
    "playercontrol(random)"   , "Toggle Random",
    "playercontrol(randomon)" , "Random On",
    "playercontrol(randomoff)", "Random Off",
    "createbookmark"          , "Create Bookmark",
    "createepisodebookmark"   , "Create Episode Bookmark",
    "togglestereomode"        , "Toggle 3D/Stereoscopic mode",
    "switchplayer"            , "Switch Player",

  ["Audio", [
    "mute"              , "Mute",
    "volumeup"          , "Volume Up",
    "volumedown"        , "Volume Down",
    "audionextlanguage" , "Next Language",
    "audiodelay"        , "Delay",
    "audiodelayminus"   , "Delay Minus",
    "audiodelayplus"    , "Delay Plus",
    "audiotoggledigital", "Toggle Digital/Analog",

  ["Pictures", [
    "nextpicture"       , "Next Picture",
    "previouspicture"   , "Previous Picture",
    "rotate"            , "Rotate Picture",
    "rotateccw"         , "Rotate Picture CCW",
    "zoomout"           , "Zoom Out",
    "zoomin"            , "Zoom In ",
    "zoomnormal"        , "Zoom level Normal",
    "zoomlevel1"        , "Zoom level 1",
    "zoomlevel2"        , "Zoom level 2",
    "zoomlevel3"        , "Zoom level 3",
    "zoomlevel4"        , "Zoom level 4",
    "zoomlevel5"        , "Zoom level 5",
    "zoomlevel6"        , "Zoom level 6",
    "zoomlevel7"        , "Zoom level 7",
    "zoomlevel8"        , "Zoom level 8",
    "zoomlevel9"        , "Zoom level 9",

  ["Subtitle", [
    "showsubtitles"     , "Show Subtitles",
    "nextsubtitle"      , "Next Subtitle",
    "subtitledelay"     , "Delay",
    "subtitledelayminus", "Delay Minus",
    "subtitledelayplus" , "Delay Plus",
    "subtitlealign"     , "Align",
    #"subtitleshiftup"   , "SUBTITLE_VSHIFT_UP", #?
    #"subtitleshiftdown" , "SUBTITLE_VSHIFT_DOWN", #?

  ["PVR", [
    "channelup"             , "Channel Up",
    "channeldown"           , "Channel Down",
    "previouschannelgroup"  , "Previous channel group",
    "nextchannelgroup"      , "Next channel group",
    "record"                , "Record",

  ["Item Actions", [
    "queue"             , "Queue item",
    "delete"            , "Delete item",
    "copy"              , "Copy item",
    "move"              , "Move item",
    "moveitemup"        , "Move item up",
    "moveitemdown"      , "Move item down",
    "rename"            , "Rename item",
    "scanitem"          , "Scan item",
    "togglewatched"     , "Toggle watched status",
    #"increaserating"    , "INCREASE_RATING", #unused
    #"decreaserating"    , "DECREASE_RATING", #unused

  ["System", [
    "togglefullscreen"  , "Toggle Fullscreen",
    "minimize"          , "Minimize",
    "shutdown"          , "Shutdown",
    "reboot"            , "Reboot",
    "hibernate"         , "Hibernate",
    "suspend"           , "Suspend",
    "restartapp"        , "Restart XBMC",
    "system.logoff"     , "Log off",
    "quit"              , "Quit XBMC",

  ["Virtual Keyboard", [
    "enter"             , "Enter",
    "shift"             , "Shift",
    "symbols"           , "Symbols",
    "backspace"         , "Backspace ",
    "number0"           , "0",
    "number1"           , "1",
    "number2"           , "2",
    "number3"           , "3",
    "number4"           , "4",
    "number5"           , "5",
    "number6"           , "6",
    "number7"           , "7",
    "number8"           , "8",
    "number9"           , "9",
    "red"               , "Teletext Red",
    "green"             , "Teletext Green",
    "yellow"            , "Teletext Yellow",
    "blue"              , "Teletext Blue",

  ["Other", [
    "updatelibrary(video)", "Update Video Library",
    "updatelibrary(music)", "Update Music Library",
    "cleanlibrary(video)",  "Clean Video Library",
    "cleanlibrary(music)", "Clean Music Library",
    "codecinfo"         , "Show codec info",
    "screenshot"        , "Take screenshot",
    "reloadkeymaps"     , "Reload keymaps",
    "increasepar"       , "Increase PAR",
    "decreasepar"       , "Decrease PAR",
    "nextresolution"    , "Change resolution",
    "nextcalibration"   , "Next calibration",
    "resetcalibration"  , "Reset calibration",
    "showpreset"        , "Show current visualisation preset",
    "presetlist"        , "Show visualisation preset list",
    "nextpreset"        , "Next visualisation preset",
    "previouspreset"    , "Previous visualisation preset",
    "lockpreset"        , "Lock current visualisation preset ",
    "randompreset"      , "Switch to a new random preset",

  #["Analog", [
  #  "scrollup"          , "SCROLL_UP",
  #  "scrolldown"        , "SCROLL_DOWN",
  #  "cursorleft"        , "CURSOR_LEFT",
  #  "cursorright"       , "CURSOR_RIGHT",
  #  "analogmove"        , "ANALOG_MOVE",
  #  "analogfastforward" , "ANALOG_FORWARD",
  #  "analogrewind"      , "ANALOG_REWIND",
  #  "analogseekforward" , "ANALOG_SEEK_FORWARD",
  #  "analogseekback"    , "ANALOG_SEEK_BACK",
  #  "leftclick"         , "MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK",
  #  "rightclick"        , "MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK",
  #  "middleclick"       , "MOUSE_MIDDLE_CLICK",
  #  "doubleclick"       , "MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK",
  #  "wheelup"           , "MOUSE_WHEEL_UP",
  #  "wheeldown"         , "MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN",
  #  "mousedrag"         , "MOUSE_DRAG",
  #  "mousemove"         , "MOUSE_MOVE",

  #"verticalshiftup"   , "VSHIFT_UP",
  #"verticalshiftdown" , "VSHIFT_DOWN",
  #"increasevisrating" , "VIS_RATE_PRESET_PLUS",
  #"decreasevisrating" , "VIS_RATE_PRESET_MINUS",
  #"nextscene"         , "NEXT_SCENE",
  #"previousscene"     , "PREV_SCENE",
  #"jumpsms2"          , "JUMP_SMS2",
  #"jumpsms3"          , "JUMP_SMS3",
  #"jumpsms4"          , "JUMP_SMS4",
  #"jumpsms5"          , "JUMP_SMS5",
  #"jumpsms6"          , "JUMP_SMS6",
  #"jumpsms7"          , "JUMP_SMS7",
  #"jumpsms8"          , "JUMP_SMS8",
  #"jumpsms9"          , "JUMP_SMS9",
  #"filter"            , "FILTER",
  #"filterclear"       , "FILTER_CLEAR",
  #"filtersms2"        , "FILTER_SMS2",
  #"filtersms3"        , "FILTER_SMS3",
  #"filtersms4"        , "FILTER_SMS4",
  #"filtersms5"        , "FILTER_SMS5",
  #"filtersms6"        , "FILTER_SMS6",
  #"filtersms7"        , "FILTER_SMS7",
  #"filtersms8"        , "FILTER_SMS8",
  #"filtersms9"        , "FILTER_SMS9",
  #"guiprofile"        , "GUIPROFILE_BEGIN",
  #"volampup"          , "VOLAMP_UP",
  #"volampdown"        , "VOLAMP_DOWN",
  #"mplayerosd"        , "SHOW_MPLAYER_OSD", #?
  #"hidesubmenu"       , "OSD_HIDESUBMENU", #depricated
  #"osdleft"           , "OSD_SHOW_LEFT",
  #"osdright"          , "OSD_SHOW_RIGHT",
  #"osdup"             , "OSD_SHOW_UP",
  #"osddown"           , "OSD_SHOW_DOWN",
  #"osdselect"         , "OSD_SHOW_SELECT",
  #"osdvalueplus"      , "OSD_SHOW_VALUE_PLUS",
  #"osdvalueminus"     , "OSD_SHOW_VALUE_MIN",

_activate_window = [
  "settings"                 , "Settings",
  "picturessettings"         , "Pictures Settings",
  "programssettings"         , "Programs Settings",
  "weathersettings"          , "Weather Settings",
  "musicsettings"            , "Music Settings",
  "systemsettings"           , "System Settings",
  "videossettings"           , "Videos Settings",
  "servicesettings"          , "Service Settings",
  "appearancesettings"       , "Appearance Settings",
  "pvrsettings"              , "PVR Settings",
  "skinsettings"             , "Skin Settings",
  "addonbrowser"             , "Addon Browser",
  "addonsettings"            , "Addon Settings",
  "profilesettings"          , "Profile Settings",
  "locksettings"             , "Lock Settings",
  "contentsettings"          , "Content Settings",
  "profiles"                 , "Profiles",
  "systeminfo"               , "System info",
  "testpattern"              , "Test Pattern",
  "screencalibration"        , "Screen Calibration",
  "loginscreen"              , "Login Screen",
  "filebrowser"              , "Filebrowser",
  "networksetup"             , "Networksetup",
  "accesspoints"             , "Access Points",
  "mediasource"              , "Mediasource Dialog",
  "startwindow"              , "Start",
  "favourites"               , "Favourites",
  "contextmenu"              , "Context Menu",
  "peripherals"              , "Peripheral manager",
  "peripheralsettings"       , "Peripherals settings",
  "mediafilter"              , "Media filter",
  "visualisationpresetlist"  , "Vis. Preset List",
  "filestackingdialog"       , "Filestacking Dialog",
  "smartplaylisteditor"      , "Smart Playlist Editor",
  "smartplaylistrule"        , "Smart Playlist Rule",
  "shutdownmenu"             , "Shutdown Menu",
  "fullscreeninfo"           , "Fullscreen Info",
  "subtitlesearch"           , "Subtitle Search",
  "weather"                  , "Weather",
  "screensaver"              , "Screensaver",
  "pictureinfo"              , "Picture Info",
  "addoninformation"         , "Addon Info",
  "musicplaylist"            , "Music Playlist",
  "musicfiles"               , "Music Files",
  "musiclibrary"             , "Music Library",
  "musicplaylisteditor"      , "Music Playlist Editor",
  "musicinformation"         , "Music Info",
  "musicoverlay"             , "Music Overlay",
  "songinformation"          , "Song Info",
  "karaoke"                  , "Karaoke Lyrics",
  "karaokeselector"          , "Karaoke Song Selector",
  "karaokelargeselector"     , "Karaoke Selector",
  "movieinformation"         , "Video Info",
  "videofiles"               , "Video Files",
  "videooverlay"             , "Video Overlay",
  "videomenu"                , "Video Menu",
  "videoosd"                 , "Video OSD",
  "videotimeseek"            , "Video Time Seek",
  "videobookmarks"           , "Video Bookmarks",
  "videoplaylist"            , "Video Playlist",
  "pvrguideinfo"             , "PVR Guide Info",
  "pvrrecordinginfo"         , "PVR Recording Info",
  "pvrtimersetting"          , "PVR Timer Setting",
  "pvrgroupmanager"          , "PVR Group Manager",
  "pvrchannelmanager"        , "PVR Channel Manager",
  "pvrguidesearch"           , "PVR Guide Search",
  "pvrchannelscan"           , "PVR Channel Scan",
  "pvrupdateprogress"        , "PVR Update Progress",
  "pvrosdchannels"           , "PVR OSD Channels",
  "pvrosdguide"              , "PVR OSD Guide",
  "pvrosddirector"           , "PVR OSD Director",
  "pvrosdcutter"             , "PVR OSD Cutter",
  "tvchannels"               , "TV Channels",
  "tvrecordings"             , "TV Recordings",
  "tvguide"                  , "TV Guide",
  "tvtimers"                 , "TV Timers",
  "tvsearch"                 , "TV Search",
  "radiochannels"            , "Radio Channels",
  "radiorecordings"          , "Radio Recordings",
  "radioguide"               , "Radio Guide",
  "radiotimers "             , "Radio Timers",
  "radiosearch"              , "Radio Search",
  "videos,movies"            , "Movies",
  "videos,movietitles"       , "Movie Titles",
  "videos,tvshows "          , "TV Shows",
  "videos,tvshowtitles "     , "TV Show Titles",
  "videos,musicvideos"       , "Music Videos",
  "videos,recentlyaddedmovies"      , "Recently Added Movies",
  "videos,recentlyaddedepisodes"    , "Recently Added Episodes",
  "videos,recentlyaddedmusicvideos" , "Recently Added Music Videos"

_windows = [
  "global"                   , "Global",
  "fullscreenvideo"          , "Fullscreen Video",
  "fullscreenlivetv"         , "Fullscreen Live TV",
  "home"                     , "Home",
  "programs"                 , "Programs",
  "videos"                   , "Videos",
  "music"                    , "Music",
  "pictures"                 , "Pictures",
  "pvr"                      , "PVR",
  "filemanager"              , "Filemanager",
  "pvrosdteletext"           , "OSD Teletext",
  "virtualkeyboard"          , "Virtual Keyboard",
  "playercontrols"           , "Player Controls",
  "seekbar"                  , "Seek bar",
  "musicosd"                 , "Music OSD",
  "osdvideosettings"         , "Video OSD Settings",
  "osdaudiosettings"         , "Audio OSD Settings",
  "visualisation"            , "Visualisation",
  "slideshow"                , "Slideshow"

from collections_backport import OrderedDict
from utils import rpc
import xbmc

def action_dict(actions, action_names):
    """Create dict of action->name sorted by name"""
    return OrderedDict(sorted(zip(actions, action_names), key=lambda t: t[1]))

def _get_run_addon_actions():
    addons = []
    addon_types = ['xbmc.python.pluginsource', 'xbmc.python.script']
    for addon_type in addon_types:
        response = rpc('Addons.GetAddons', type=addon_type, properties=['name', 'enabled'])
        res = response['result']
        if 'addons' in res:
            addons.extend([a for a in res['addons'] if a['enabled']])
    actions = ['runaddon(%s)' % a['addonid'] for a in addons]
    names = ['Launch %s' % a['name'] for a in addons]
    return action_dict(actions, names)

def _get_activate_window_actions():
    all_windows = _activate_window + _windows[2:] #don't include "global"
    actions = ["activatewindow(%s)" % w_id for w_id in all_windows[0::2]]
    names = ["Open %s" % w for w in all_windows[1::2]]
    return action_dict(actions, names)

def _get_action_dict():
    """ Map actions to 'category name'->'action id'->'action name' dict"""
    d = OrderedDict()
    for elem in _actions:
        category = elem[0]
        actions = elem[1][0::2]
        names = elem[1][1::2]
        d[category] = OrderedDict(zip(actions, names))

    d["Windows"] = _get_activate_window_actions()
    d["Add-ons"] = _get_run_addon_actions()
    return d

ACTIONS = _get_action_dict()
WINDOWS = OrderedDict(zip(_windows[0::2], _windows[1::2]))

I just want to be able to use that key mapping while in my movie titles.

I've tried doing:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This file is automatically generated by Keymap Editor, do not edit. -->
<key id="61571">Info</key>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This file is automatically generated by Keymap Editor, do not edit. -->
<key id="61571">Info</key>

But they don't work :/

any help would be appreciate it. Ovbiously I'm naming something wrong. or the code doesnt let me use ()? i dunno
I don't think you can be specific to just "movies" with a keymap. It's ether all file listings or not.
(2014-12-24, 08:37)Ned Scott Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think you can be specific to just "movies" with a keymap. It's ether all file listings or not.
Awe dang, well thanks for the reply
Do you know if its possible to add long press keymapping?
Not sure about long pressing on keys. I think Kodi can only handle those if the hardware itself sends a different signal for a long press vs a short press.