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Full Version: Shift-Alt behaving wierdly in Linux
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I've had a bug reported that seems to be to do with combining the shift and alt keys in Linux. See http://trac.kodi.tv/ticket/15650 for the details. When you press shift-alt, or any key combination involving shift-alt, Kodi gets a signal saying the meta key has been pressed. The meta key isn't on modern keyboards though I believe most unixes have some mechanism for emulating it and that seems to be what is happening in this case.

On Ubuntu 14.04 this happens with LXDE as well as Gnome, so it's not a Gnome problem this time. It must be something deeper, but I can't find anywhere in Linux where shift-alt is defined to generate a meta keypress. Googling doesn't help because it just returns a million hits saying shift-alt changes language (it doesn't in Ubuntu 14.04).

Can any of our unix experts shed light on this? I think it's only the (cheap and nasty!) GoTView remote that uses shift-alt combinations, so the simplest fix is to say we don't support this remote. However it would be nice if we could work around the problem.