2015-05-08, 10:14
So, now that MVC decoding support is popping up, it's actually worth at looking at supporting 3D BD. Let's gather information here.
3D BD support is 3-tiered:
1) We need an MVC decoder
- RPI2 now has it, if I read correctly
- I received an (alpha/beta?) firmware from Minix for amlogic S812 where it's working too, for an MVC stream inside MKV (mk3d?)
- Software-wise, there is nothing in ffmpeg, but there is an h264 reference implementation that supports it: ldecod (http://iphome.hhi.de/suehring/tml/)
2) We need .ssif demuxing support:
.ssif's are the 3D BD files containing 2 multiplexed m2ts streams; 1 for the "normal" h264, left-eye stream, 1 for the MVC part.
The only interesting info I could find is the actual 3D BD patent
: http://www.google.com/patents/EP2395770A2
As far as I understand it so far, we probably just have to merge the 2 streams to produce an MVC stream. I'm working on that part, now.
3) We need access to the .ssif files thru libbluray
I haven't had a look, yet, but I assume that shouldn't be a problem.
More info you might have welcome
[EDIT] User @Vanek pointed me to an attempt at a MVC s/w decoder in ffmpeg: https://github.com/Britz/FFmpeg/commits/...264Context
3D BD support is 3-tiered:
1) We need an MVC decoder
- RPI2 now has it, if I read correctly
- I received an (alpha/beta?) firmware from Minix for amlogic S812 where it's working too, for an MVC stream inside MKV (mk3d?)
- Software-wise, there is nothing in ffmpeg, but there is an h264 reference implementation that supports it: ldecod (http://iphome.hhi.de/suehring/tml/)
2) We need .ssif demuxing support:
.ssif's are the 3D BD files containing 2 multiplexed m2ts streams; 1 for the "normal" h264, left-eye stream, 1 for the MVC part.
The only interesting info I could find is the actual 3D BD patent

As far as I understand it so far, we probably just have to merge the 2 streams to produce an MVC stream. I'm working on that part, now.
3) We need access to the .ssif files thru libbluray
I haven't had a look, yet, but I assume that shouldn't be a problem.
More info you might have welcome

[EDIT] User @Vanek pointed me to an attempt at a MVC s/w decoder in ffmpeg: https://github.com/Britz/FFmpeg/commits/...264Context