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Full Version: Add Media Flags
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I love Conq but I really miss Media Flags on this skin! Is there a way to add them in Movies and Tv Series? Thanks!
I'd love this too please! Have been switching between Conq and Mimic for months as I like DTS/DDigital logos under my movies!
Would be nice to have these. As long as it won't affect the performance. Like how smooth it is on the raspberry 2.
If you want to do this without the pictures and just the information, meaning text:

Create new Label, just add this line:
<variable name="Label3">
        <value condition="Container.Content(movies) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Year) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Genre)">$INFO[ListItem.VideoResolution]p • $INFO[ListItem.VideoCodec] • $INFO[ListItem.AudioCodec] • $INFO[ListItem.AudioChannels] channels</value>

The dots in the code get formatted here somehow. It is the dot you can see behind the other labels in the values.xml

Viewtype53.xml (Wall) add this below <!-- Details -->)
<control type="label">

You can do this for all views. This is just the example for the Movie Wall. Looks like this: http://imgur.com/XeiaS7F