Probably they should also ban all internet browsers and FTP clients since those can be used to view/download illegal content ;-)
Is there any possibility to vote against Amazon's decision?
^^ Yes, this makes everything so much more silly.
Let's ban the only one NOT providing or condoning piracy.
Guess it's back to side-loading Llama.. (sigh). I was really enjoying the FTV. I even watched a movie with Amazon Prime and was surprised how well it worked over a not-so-awesome DSL connection.
Will the Kodi icon disappear from the home screen now? Or on the next firmware update?
(2015-06-16, 15:50)jpage4500 Wrote: [ -> ]Guess it's back to side-loading Llama.. (sigh). I was really enjoying the FTV. I even watched a movie with Amazon Prime and was surprised how well it worked over a not-so-awesome DSL connection.
Will the Kodi icon disappear from the home screen now? Or on the next firmware update?
If you have already purchased it and haven't deleted it from your account on Amazon, it should still appear on your FireTv, for now.
This move has definitely proven that the content which makes it into the Amazon App Store goes through minimal screening, if none.
RockerC, you missed Plex:
It's a sad day. The AFTV has really become the best follow up to the one iconic JB Apple TV2 running XBMC.
Why not reply back to amazon with "so does the youtube app" in regards to facilitate illegal downloads and piracy. I think it would take all of 3 seconds to find unlicensed material or tutorials to aquire unlicensed material on youtube.
honestly not too big a deal and perhaps best to not poke the bear. Its still the most affordable way to combine access to major hd streaming apps and still run kodi all with tv remote control navigation. I hope they don't take a step further and block the whole app
All in all, the first dick move was to not recognize Kodi as an aftv capable app, which thousands can tell is BS.
Removing it altogether is just a follow-up.
Probably THE ONLY reason why I might of purchased an Amazon media player.... KODI!
Well in Amazon for your completely blinkered lame a$$ approach.