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Full Version: Not respecting "Use backend channels numbers"
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I'm utilizing this plugin with IPTV from my HDHomeRun. I'm creating a M3U file automatically based on Zap2It guide data and the channel listing directly from the HDHomeRun utilizing this PHP script I wrote and run on my local NAS.

However, the channels numbers aren't what the channel numbers should be. For example, I know NBCSN is channel 1152 with my provider, however, it's like 170-something in Kodi because this PVR addon doesn't map the channel numbers correctly and Kodi just takes the channels sequentially.

After doing some research, I've noticed that there isn't even a spot in the M3U to include just the channel number, so how would it know?

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="I92096.labs.zap2it.com" tvg-name="1152 NBCSNHD" tvg-logo="NBCSNHD", NBCSN HD

Is there a way, or a M3U value I'm not aware of, so that Kodi syncs the channel numbers correctly?

EDIT: I've also opened an issue on the add-on's github account for a potential fix: https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.iptvsimple/issues/37
That option has no impact on IPTV, since IPTV Simple Client isn't a "real" PVR add-on. As you suspected, it will have to be a feature request.