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Full Version: Confluence ZEITGEIST (Kodi 17-22)
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No worries. Glad to hear everything worked out. Thanks for the info.
New releases now online

5.7.2 (2023-11-13)

Improved Profiles support and Login Screen

- Expanded visuals and UI elements for when Kodi is used with profiles
- Improved visuals and usability for reworked Login Screen and Profiles dialog
- New skin settings option within the "Home screen options" tab: "Show profile picture"

UI accent color schemes

- Updated default backgrounds "Frosted Glass · Light colors", "Frosted Glass · Perfect Pink" and "Frosted Glass · Electric Violet"    
(These are the already known default backgrounds for the UI accent color themes "Kodi Blue", "Perfect Pink" and "Electric Violet")
"Frosted Glass · Light colors":  Increased colors/saturation
"Frosted Glass · Perfect Pink":  Changed to a still pink, but brighter variant with an implied blueish sky area at the top
"Frosted Glass · Electric Violet":  Increased brightness
- Minor optimizations and corrections regarding the textures of the UI accent color themes (Affects all 3 of 3 themes with minor changes)

Other improvements and visual changes:

- Removed minimal darkening of non-focused items for "Fanart" View (reduced in previous update. Now: Completely removed after some more testing)
- Reduced darkening of non-focused items for home screen widgets and addon shortcuts
- Slightly improved visuals and usability of the most used Weather Views (Daily/Hoursly/Maps)
- Skin settings: Moved option "Make Favorites Button first main menu item" to main menu while replacing the old radiobutton with a new self explanatory button and a better usability concept
- Updated _reset_skin_settings.py to also reset skin theme/colors selection to default when using "[RESET] all skin settings to default"
- Skin settings / power menu: "Exit" button is now disabled by default on a clean install
- Kodi 18+ only: Changed position of main menu item "Games" one count to the left
New releases now online

5.7.3 (2023-11-15)

Global visual rework of focus elements

- Finally, the visuals of every focused element have moved away from the old and non-ideal "bright-colored-border, dark base"-style
- The new visuals result in a much cleaner, visually calming and coherent look
- This change affects all three UI accent color themes
- Video/PVR Info dialog: Updated plot viewer and actors panel focus visuals to adapt the changes of the focus elements rework
- Profiles dialog: Updated visuals and synchronized focus-visuals with login screen
- Internal note: Home Screen superfolder focus texture now uses a brighter focus texture for better contrast (Only affects "Kodi Blue" default UI accent color theme. Other themes use the default way.)
- Internal note: Home Screen favorites widget now uses brighter DefeaultFolder-bright.png textures for some states and better contrast (Affects all UI accent color themes)

Login Screen

- The Login Screen has been further simplified - also adapted the changes from the focus elements rework and Profiles dialog

PVR Guide

- The PVR Guide has been reworked with rounded corners (missing before) and better visuals - also adapted the changes from the focus elements rework and Profiles dialog
- Changed plot text font style from regular to light
- Two unused sidebar buttons have been hidden for tvguide and radioguide dialogs
- Added FullScreenClock to this dialog (always felt like it has been missing for this dialog)

- Event Viewer: Improved visuals. Also added DefaultIconInfo-solid.png for use in this dialog (default fallback texture, now with rounded corners and higher quality)
- VideoOSD/MusicOSD: Updated mouse control seekbar focus texture (thicker border + hide when fading out osd to avoid almost invisible graphic glitch of texture-bordering)
- Fix rare sidebar mouse control bug for weather section by adding missing ids for two labels, fixed focus text color of location change button, also added the missing visible-fade-in animation of the location name
- Changed Defaults.xml "white" color to full white instead of 95% white (Needed for focus visuals rework)
- Corrected some pulseonselect-tags from "no" to "false", also added missing pulseonselect for slider and sliderex [Defaults]. Removed all pulseonselect-tags in other files than Defaults.xml

Kodi 20+ only:


- Improved ColorPicker dialog visuals
- Also updated associated color-button-box texture with rounded corners (missing before)
Faccio notare che con la versione 5.7.3 non è possibile chiudere kodi ma si deve per forza agire forzatamente.

Nothing changed regarding shutdown/exit functionality in 5.7.3.
Shutdown and exit works as before (just tested on an clean 20.2 test system).

Please check your Kodi installation.
Dunque, quando prima cliccavo in alto a sinistra per chiudere kodi, di solito appariva la scritta esci, cliccando il tasto ok si chiudeva regolarmente. Ora, dopo aver cliccato in alto a sinistra appare solo il simbolo di spegnimento senza la scritta esci. Se ci clicco sopra si riapre la schermata di kodi. Questo accade su tutti i miei apparecchi, 3 firestick 4k Max ed un tanix tx5, tutti con kodi 20.2 e la versione do Confluence 5.7.3

So you mean the "exit-button is not visible", not that the "exit-button is not working". Got it.

Just go to:

System  >  Skin settings  >  Power options

and select the items you want to be shown.

Problem solved :-)
Ho impostato le opzioni di spegnimento ed ora va bene. Ovviamente non sapevo di questa opzione dato che ad ogni precedente aggiornamento il problema non si è mai presentato.
No worries. You're welcome.
New major releases now online

...with improved and expanded support for RetroPlayer on Kodi 18-21
...including the new savestates dialogs, controller ports dialog, a reworked game controllers dialog and the latest RetroPlayer language string changes from 2023-11-17
...and much more Smile

5.7.5 (2023-11-19)

Reworked the following textures/icons with higher resolution and an updated, coherent look:

DefaultAddonInputstream, DefaultExtensionInfo, DefaultFile, DefaultMimetypeInfo, KeyboardBackKey, KeyboardDoneKey, OverlayRAR, OverlayZIP, pointer (aka the mouse cursor), spacebar

Other improvements and visual changes:

- Video Bookmarks dialog: Improved visuals
- Wall Views: Improved x/y-positions for addon flags overlays and the disabled-radiobutton overlay (the icons were visually too close to the texture/focus-border before)
- Add-on info dialog: Adapted the x/y-position change from above for disabled-radiobutton
- Weather section and Home Screen weather info widget:
Improved current weather icon code and handling,
fixed skinning engine grouplist loading flicker via workaround for a completely smooth fade-in
Also: the "not available" weather icon is now hidden
- Some code improvements regarding Kodi version checks
- Some minor misc code improvements
- Minor correction of button y-position (+1px) in [DialogMediaSource] [SmartPlaylistEditor]

Select dialog
- Improved focused layout for situations when control is not in focus anymore to display unfocused style [DialogSelect] [Includes_DialogSelect.xml]
- Also increaed manual/cancel buttons spacing between buttons to the correct coherent amount
- Improved navigation targets

Kodi 18+ only:


- New/reworked dialog and improved usability for Game Controllers dialog [DialogGameControllers]
- Improved Game OSD [GameOSD] [Includes]
- Never show [VideoFullScreen] and [VideoOSD] when Player.HasGame

Kodi 20+ only:


RetroPlayer: Savestate manager #20913
Added support for #20913 with new/reworked dialog and improved usability

RetroPlayer: In-game Port Setup dialog #20505
Added support for #20505 with new/reworked dialog and improved usability

RetroPlayer: Fix/update strings.po with translations for game window IDs #24071
Added support for #24071 by adapting the language string changes to work with both older and newer Kodi generations (Kodi 18-21)
(#24071 has been merged to git master (Kodi 21) on Nov 17, 2023)
Voglio ringraziarvi per tutto il lavoro che fate per migliorare sempre più, vi faccio però notare che la frequenza ormai quasi quotidiana di aggiornamenti, crea un pó di problemi con l'avvio di kodi, con blocco alla partenza, per colpa dell'aggiornamento che lavora sotto. Secondo me le prove per le varie versioni andrebbero fatte senza mandarle in rete, e mettere solo quella che lavora meglio. In questo modo si avrebbe più piacere nell'usare kodi con la Skin Confluence.

- Thanks for your feedback. I understand!

- I have many (possibly unknown to you) reasons for the frequent updates at the moment. It's not because "i just want to" and it's not because previous releases are pushed out unfinished.
I maintain and support 5(!) Kodi generations (17,18,19,20,21 (and sooner than later 22)) of this skin and i have to sync all changes regulary according to my workflow, so things don't get unmaintainable, too complex and confusing.
It's complex enough as it is and therefore there is no alternative at times when many things change.

- Updates will surely become less frequent again sometime in the future!

- If you find regular updates too noticeable on start-up on a slower/low-powered device like Android/FireTV etc., you could easily think about changing auto-update to "Notify, but don't install updates" on a device and decide for yourself, when you want update your add-ons.
Now online for Kodi 17-21

5.7.6 (2023-11-20)

Select Dialog

- Reworked Select Dialog for improved visuals and usability

OSD Player Status indicators

- Created all new textures for all OSD Player Status indicators including corresponding high resolution 4K UI variants:
[DialogSeekBar] Affects: OSDPause.png, OSDPlay.png, OSDSeekForward.png, OSDSeekRewind.png,
OSD2x.png, OSD4x.png, OSD8x.png, OSD16x.png, OSD32x.png,
OSD0.8x.png, OSD0.9x.png, OSD1.1x.png, OSD1.2x.png, OSD1.3x.png, OSD1.4x.png, OSD1.5x.png
- Also: Moved the above textures to osd/playerstatus/ folder

Other improvements and visual changes

- Minor optimization of textures OverlayRAR, OverlayZIP (1px icon off-center correction)
- Updated texture DefaultFile with a more simplified look which makes more contextual sense
- Minor code change in [VideoOSDBookmarks] (added background=true for a texture)
- (Internal) Release files: Updated fanart.jpg and resources/fanart.jpg to new version from release x.7.2 ("Frosted Glass · Light colors":  Increased colors/saturation)

Kodi 18+ only:

- Fixed minor regression: Code referenced a wrong texture filename for the "Seek Slider Kodi 18+ LiveTV seek" texture [DialogSeekBar]
(Regression from UI accent color schemes update)

- Further visual and usability improvements for Game OSD, Savestates dialog and all corresponding game dialogs
- Some minor code clean-up for the game dialogs (removed deprecated close-button (mouse control) and unnecessary and non existant separator texture)
Grazie del consiglio. In effetti toglierò l'aggiornamento automatico e abiliterò gli avvisi. Buona serata
Hi axbmcuser, thank you for your relentless work! Your Zeitgeist is my only skin, and it will stay that way.
I have two (hopefully) small suggestions:
1) could you add in the video Views the video length of each file? (and maybe the file size, too)?
2) I have set to ON "Show movie file name" in OSD, Dialogs and Views. This works in the Views, but not in the fullscreen OSD, where the original title is shown.

These are not real requests, just suggestions. Thank you for your hard work! Have a nice day!
