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Same thing here.

Here is a log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9RCsqQrn9r/
Looks like new addon needed. Guess it is a different company providing the streaming service for NHL this season. Feeds no longer available on an old NHL.tv app from last year. Same goes to NHL.tv PS5 app. In my opinion this addon is done. Time for a new one. Bamtech nhl.tv app was replaced by a new one yesterday in Google play. Looks like nhl reconstructed fully their streaming service.
damn, bummer to hear that. Hopefully erak or another dev would be willing to create a new addon.
(2022-10-08, 07:02)feerlessleadr Wrote: [ -> ]damn, bummer to hear that. Hopefully erak or another dev would be willing to create a new addon.

Would appreciate that a lot. Quality of stream via official nhl.tv browser site nowhere near we were used to via Kodi.
I am looking into it.
(2022-10-08, 16:23)eracknaphobia Wrote: [ -> ]I am looking into it.

Thx a lot!!!! You will be a saviour!:-)
(2022-10-08, 16:23)eracknaphobia Wrote: [ -> ]I am looking into it.

(2022-10-08, 07:00)Cgyfan Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like new addon needed. Guess it is a different company providing the streaming service for NHL this season. Feeds no longer available on an old NHL.tv app from last year. Same goes to NHL.tv PS5 app. In my opinion this addon is done. Time for a new one. Bamtech nhl.tv app was replaced by a new one yesterday in Google play. Looks like nhl reconstructed fully their streaming service.

Do you have a link to the new app you are referring to?
Erack do you think you can fix it? And if so, possibly when? Just please let us now. Watching SJS game, streaming from pc /web browser nhl.tv/ to my oled tv and it is disgustingly choppy. Via your addon always totally different story.  Thx a lot for you time. Also thx for a possible reply!
Lots of code to re-write, so features will be missing. I'm just focusing on getting streams to work for the time being. I've got archive games working again, I will working on live games tonight.

(2022-10-11, 18:20)eracknaphobia Wrote: [ -> ]Lots of code to re-write, so features will be missing. I'm just focusing on getting streams to work for the time being. I've got archive games working again, I will working on live games tonight.


I said it before, but worth repeating..... Legend

Thx a lot erack!
Thanks for all the hard work! Nod
Live games "should" be working as well. Although tonight there is only one stream per game, no home and away feeds that I can tell. If you're brave you can get the beta here.

Expect it to break Smile