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I've been having trouble for about a week now and was just curious if this is just me or not. Whenever I try to play a game it fails and tells me to check the log for more information. I have a rogers account and I haven't even been able to use the gamecenter website to watch the games.

I didn't change any settings for it to stop working and I deleted kodi+the repo and re-installed everything but it still gives me the same error.

I'm using Windows 7 and Kodi v17 (Or whichever is the latest from their website). I know logs are asked for but I'm hoping someone can help without that if they had the same issue. If not, I'll figure out the log thing and post it when I'm home and able to get it.

Appreciate how well it's been working for me all year and hope to hear back soon!

I'd concentrate on figuring out why you can't use the official site first. If you haven't been able to watch games through your web browser then there must be something wrong with your account that needs to be addressed before trying to get it to work in the addon.
Thanks for the quick reply!

I've never been able to watch through their crappy site, even when it was working with you. I know I'm not the only one either because I've seen multiple threads about how nhl.com/tv/ just doesn't load for people.

I know my account is fine because I can still watch it through their app on my PS4, it's just terrible quality. (Buffering, video skipping completely, looks like 540p etc...)
(2017-02-03, 16:32)eracknaphobia Wrote: [ -> ]I'd concentrate on figuring out why you can't use the official site first. If you haven't been able to watch games through your web browser then there must be something wrong with your account that needs to be addressed before trying to get it to work in the addon.

Just figured out how to get my log if you don't mind taking a look.

Kodi Log

Looks like the same problem other linux users are having.

That's strange, I'm not using Linux. I'm on Windows 7.
(2017-02-03, 23:21)Jaaska Wrote: [ -> ]That's strange, I'm not using Linux. I'm on Windows 7.

Ok, sorry for the mistake. I just went to the log and noticed it said ubuntu at the top and assumed. Let me look into this further.
(2017-02-03, 23:23)eracknaphobia Wrote: [ -> ]
(2017-02-03, 23:21)Jaaska Wrote: [ -> ]That's strange, I'm not using Linux. I'm on Windows 7.

Ok, sorry for the mistake. I just went to the log and noticed it ubuntu at the top and assumed. Let me look into this further.

Thanks a lot man, I'll definitely be donating a few beers if I can start watching the games again! I didn't know you were so active until I started looking into my problem. Great support!
I've created a beta version to test some changes I've made in attempt to fix this issue:

Be aware this version is a beta and it may be unstable.
(2017-02-04, 00:01)eracknaphobia Wrote: [ -> ]I've created a beta version to test some changes I've made in attempt to fix this issue:

Be aware this version is a beta and it may be unstable.

It didn't seem to work unfortunately. Let me know if there's anything more I can add to my issue that would help.

It works right up until I select home or away feed and hit play. Then the NHL.tv error pops up telling me to check the logs for more info.
(2017-02-03, 23:25)Jaaska Wrote: [ -> ]
(2017-02-03, 23:23)eracknaphobia Wrote: [ -> ]
(2017-02-03, 23:21)Jaaska Wrote: [ -> ]That's strange, I'm not using Linux. I'm on Windows 7.

Ok, sorry for the mistake. I just went to the log and noticed it ubuntu at the top and assumed. Let me look into this further.

Thanks a lot man, I'll definitely be donating a few beers if I can start watching the games again! I didn't know you were so active until I started looking into my problem. Great support!

shot in the dark here, but are you using a smartdns? If so, try turning it off to see if you can get to the site to watch an out of market game. If you can, contact yrou smartdns provider. Same thing happened to me, and turns out it was something wrong on their end.
(2017-02-04, 00:10)feerlessleadr Wrote: [ -> ]
(2017-02-03, 23:25)Jaaska Wrote: [ -> ]
(2017-02-03, 23:23)eracknaphobia Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, sorry for the mistake. I just went to the log and noticed it ubuntu at the top and assumed. Let me look into this further.

Thanks a lot man, I'll definitely be donating a few beers if I can start watching the games again! I didn't know you were so active until I started looking into my problem. Great support!

shot in the dark here, but are you using a smartdns? If so, try turning it off to see if you can get to the site to watch an out of market game. If you can, contact yrou smartdns provider. Same thing happened to me, and turns out it was something wrong on their end.

Hmm, as far as I know I'm not with anyone. Your solution sounds likely though because it was only last week I was looking into all that and trying different things to help with geoblocking. Is there any sort of way I can check/delete it if it's on?

My VPN account with NordVPN also expired recently so I uninstalled all that but I'm not sure if there could be some sort of residual issues?

edit: As far as I can tell, my dns is just set to auto and I see no sign of a proxy on anywhere.
I love this addin and it has worked great until recently but now I am enable to watch games in Kodi on Ubuntu. I can watch recaps etc but not games.. Looks to be something with the URL, any ideas?[/code]

Here is log file:

Quote:16:31:21 T:140065351116544 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <class 'urllib2.URLError'>
Error Contents: <urlopen error [Errno 0] Error>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/blake/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.nhlgcl/main.py", line 936, in <module>
streamSelect(game_id, epg, teams_stream, stream_date)
File "/home/blake/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.nhlgcl/main.py", line 322, in streamSelect
stream_url, media_auth = fetchStream(game_id, content_id[n],event_id[n])
File "/home/blake/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.nhlgcl/main.py", line 454, in fetchStream
session_key = getSessionKey(game_id,event_id,content_id,authorization)
File "/home/blake/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.nhlgcl/main.py", line 547, in getSessionKey
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 154, in urlopen
return opener.open(url, data, timeout)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 429, in open
response = self._open(req, data)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 447, in _open
'_open', req)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 407, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1241, in https_open
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1198, in do_open
raise URLError(err)
URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 0] Error>
-->End of Python script error report<--
16:31:21 T:140066711374144 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 INFO: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device PULSEBig Grinefault
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: PulseAudio: Context authorizing
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: PulseAudio: Context setting name
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: PulseAudio: Context ready
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: PulseAudio: Stream ready
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 NOTICE: PulseAudio: Opened device Default in pcm mode with Buffersize 150 ms
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - PULSE Initialized:
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: Output Device : Default
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_FLOAT
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: Frames : 2205
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: Frame Samples : 4410
16:31:21 T:140066223560448 DEBUG: Frame Size : 8
16:31:21 T:140065351116544 INFO: Python script stopped
16:31:21 T:140065351116544 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 140065351116544 terminating
16:31:21 T:140066711374144 DEBUG: WaitOnScriptResult - plugin exited prematurely - terminating
16:31:21 T:140066711374144 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.nhlgcl/?url=&mode=104&name=%5BCOLOR%3DFFF69E20%5D13%3A28+1st%5B%2FCOLOR%5D+Toronto+%5BCOLOR%3DFF00B7EB%5D0%5B%2FCOLOR%5D+at+Boston+%5BCOLOR%3DFF00B7EB%5D1%5B%2FCOLOR%5D&game_id=2016020774&epg=%5B%7B%22platform%22%3A+%22web%22%2C+%22items%22%3A+%5B%7B%22eventId%22%3A+%22221-1004216%22%2C+%22feedName%22%3A+%22%22%2C+%22language%22%3A+%22eng%22%2C+%22mediaState%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22gamePlus%22%3A+false%2C+%22freeGame%22%3A+false%2C+%22mediaFeedType%22%3A+%22HOME%22%2C+%22mediaPlaybackId%22%3A+%2248764603%22%2C+%22callLetters%22%3A+%22NESN%22%2C+%22guid%22%3A+%22adfc2535-7543-4e97-9fc1-f40dc9c6961b%22%7D%2C+%7B%22eventId%22%3A+%22221-1004216%22%2C+%22feedName%22%3A+%22%22%2C+%22language%22%3A+%22eng%22%2C+%22mediaState%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22gamePlus%22%3A+false%2C+%22freeGame%22%3A+false%2C+%22mediaFeedType%22%3A+%22AWAY%22%2C+%22mediaPlaybackId%22%3A+%2248764703%22%2C+%22callLetters%22%3A+%22CBC%22%2C+%22guid%22%3A+%22047c4efb-45a6-4cfa-a3ec-137e8be91505%22%7D%2C+%7B%22eventId%22%3A+%22221-1004216%22%2C+%22feedName%22%3A+%22Multi-Cam+1%22%2C+%22language%22%3A+%22eng%22%2C+%22mediaState%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22gamePlus%22%3A+false%2C+%22freeGame%22%3A+false%2C+%22mediaFeedType%22%3A+%22COMPOSITE%22%2C+%22mediaPlaybackId%22%3A+%2248765203%22%2C+%22callLetters%22%3A+%22%22%2C+%22guid%22%3A+%22b9c4df74-cf94-411e-a125-eb4113b8728b%22%7D%5D%2C+%22title%22%3A+%22NHLTV%22%7D%2C+%7B%22items%22%3A+%5B%7B%22eventId%22%3A+%22221-1004216%22%2C+%22feedName%22%3A+%22%22%2C+%22language%22%3A+%22eng%22%2C+%22mediaState%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22gamePlus%22%3A+false%2C+%22freeGame%22%3A+false%2C+%22mediaFeedType%22%3A+%22HOME%22%2C+%22mediaPlaybackId%22%3A+%2248764803%22%2C+%22callLetters%22%3A+%22WBZ%22%7D%2C+%7B%22eventId%22%3A+%22221-1004216%22%2C+%22feedName%22%3A+%22%22%2C+%22language%22%3A+%22eng%22%2C+%22mediaState%22%3A+%22MEDIA_ON%22%2C+%22gamePlus%22%3A+false%2C+%22freeGame%22%3A+false%2C+%22mediaFeedType%22%3A+%22AWAY%22%2C+%22mediaPlaybackId%22%3A+%2248764903%22%2C+%22callLetters%22%3A+%22SN590%22%7D%5D%2C+%22title%22%3A+%22Audio%22%7D%2C+%7B%22items%22%3A+%5B%5D%2C+%22topicList%22%3A+%22283335928%22%2C+%22title%22%3A+%22Extended+Highlights%22%7D%2C+%7B%22items%22%3A+%5B%5D%2C+%22topicList%22%3A+%22283335928%22%2C+%22title%22%3A+%22Recap%22%7D%2C+%7B%22items%22%3A+%5B%5D%2C+%22title%22%3A+%22Power+Play%22%7D%5D&teams_stream=TORBOS&stream_date=2017-02-05T00%3A00%3A00Z]
16:31:21 T:140066711374144 DEBUG: Playlist Player: no more playable items... aborting playback
I can't tell by looking at logs or anything, but it seems like the same issue I have. I can watch recaps/highlights as well but no games whatsoever. Not even games that were played yesterday. Hopefully there's a fix for it soon.
it is not an addon problem, i think the problem is with kodi 17....i get no live playing games with kodi 17 then i back to kodi 16.1 and now it is all ok.....