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So I have the new update but should the video settings be on Best Available or 5600?

i just went try it out on one of todays earlier games and that lag is still there. Is anyone else experiencing this? Its not buffering at all, i dont know what else to call it besides a constant lag and then a jump forward, ever so subtle.

Thanks as always.
In case anyone else is having trouble downloading the new update, I went into the repo and downloaded the plugin.video.nhlgcl-2017.10.9.zip, uploaded it to mediafire, punched that link into Downloader on Fire TV, downloaded it, then Installed it from zip. Now it's up to date.
First off, Awesome add-on!  

It's ridiculous that the NHL doesn't provide a good viewing app for windows.  This Kodi add-on lets me finally view high quality stutter-free streams at 60 FPS in windows!  Something that is impossible (as far as I know) through their crappy Flash web interface.  Kudos!!!

I am having a slight issue, not sure if its user error (likely).  I like to watch streams delayed, but not delayed that much, just an hour or 2 delayed.  Usually when I start watching a game, it isn't done yet.  I just started using this add-on and I couldn't figure out how to watch a stream that is currently in progress from the beginning like I can do from the NHL's crappy website.  

Is this possible with this add-on?  If so how do I set it to always start live streams from the beginning of the game?  It took about 2 hours after the game i wanted to watch to finish before the archived stream was available in the add-on.

Again, awesome app!  Really loving it!  Great work!
(2017-10-10, 00:14)RCCS Wrote: [ -> ]So I have the new update but should the video settings be on Best Available or 5600?

i just went try it out on one of todays earlier games and that lag is still there.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  Its not buffering at all, i dont know what else to call it besides a constant lag and then a jump forward, ever so subtle.

Thanks as always.
Best Available and 5600 are essential the same. I'd just leave it as best available unless you need to run a lower quality.
(2017-10-10, 00:59)FUNCTOR Wrote: [ -> ]First off, Awesome add-on!  

It's ridiculous that the NHL doesn't provide a good viewing app for windows.  This Kodi add-on lets me finally view high quality stutter-free streams at 60 FPS in windows!  Something that is impossible (as far as I know) through their crappy Flash web interface.  Kudos!!!

I am having a slight issue, not sure if its user error (likely).  I like to watch streams delayed, but not delayed that much, just an hour or 2 delayed.  Usually when I start watching a game, it isn't done yet.  I just started using this add-on and I couldn't figure out how to watch a stream that is currently in progress from the beginning like I can do from the NHL's crappy website.  

Is this possible with this add-on?  If so how do I set it to always start live streams from the beginning of the game?  It took about 2 hours after the game i wanted to watch to finish before the archived stream was available in the add-on.

Again, awesome app!  Really loving it!  Great work!
Thanks. Unfortunately, that feature isn't possible yet. It's sorely needed but as far as I know not possibly with live streams in kodi. As newer kodi releases come out more things become possible, so I'll have to revisit this and see if there is any way to make this happen.
Hey guys,

First time i have tried to get this running. I have a Shield TV box and have installed NHL.TV addon from the erack repo so I should be on the latest version. 

Im getting an error when I try to watch a live stream (replays seem to be working fine).

I tried installing the windows version of kodi and the error seems to be the same with different path names ect. Anyone able to help me? Im usually fairly ok at helping myself through google, but im out of my depth here Sad

Thanks! (And thanks to erack for all the hard work you seem to be doing)

EDIT: Just realised that maybe in need to upload the full log? Can do that if needed just let me know Smile

Quote:ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
                                            Error Contents: No JSON object could be decoded
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.nhlgcl\addon.py", line 67, in <module>
                                                streamSelect(game_id, epg, teams_stream, stream_date)
                                              File "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.nhlgcl\resources\lib\nhl_tv.py", line 324, in streamSelect
                                                stream_url, media_auth = fetchStream(game_id, content_id[n],event_id[n])
                                              File "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.nhlgcl\resources\lib\nhl_tv.py", line 453, in fetchStream
                                              File "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.nhlgcl\resources\lib\nhl_tv.py", line 617, in login
                                                json_source = r.json()
                                              File "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.requests\lib\requests\models.py", line 850, in json
                                                return complexjson.loads(self.text, **kwargs)
                                              File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib\json\__init__.py", line 339, in loads
                                                return _default_decoder.decode(s)
                                              File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib\json\decoder.py", line 364, in decode
                                                obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
                                              File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib\json\decoder.py", line 382, in raw_decode
                                                raise ValueError("No JSON object could be decoded")
                                            ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
(2017-10-10, 03:25)takitoes Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys,

First time i have tried to get this running. I have a Shield TV box and have installed NHL.TV addon from the erack repo so I should be on the latest version. 

Im getting an error when I try to watch a live stream (replays seem to be working fine).

I tried installing the windows version of kodi and the error seems to be the same with different path names ect. Anyone able to help me? Im usually fairly ok at helping myself through google, but im out of my depth here Sad

Thanks! (And thanks to erack for all the hard work you seem to be doing)

EDIT: Just realised that maybe in need to upload the full log? Can do that if needed just let me know Smile
Yes full logs always, don't bother posting snippets. You're probably not on the latest version by the sounds of it, verify the addon version by either bringing up the context menu and selecting information or going to Addons > Video Addons and change the view type to WideList.
Just wanted to check in and mention that last night's experience was better than it's ever been for me, totally smooth, buffering was very minimal and no playback failures trying to enter a game. Thank you Erack for your excellent work with this latest update, I truly appreciate it!
Not sure how I go about trouble shooting my issue.
I log in to the official NHL app with my Canadian Rogers subscriber info and all is well.
I can't get anything to play in this addon installed on my firestick. It used to work perfectly, but no more. I do have latest version (Oct 9) and have checked the Rogers subscriber box. 
Post a log I guess?

Edit: nevermind - uninstalled and reinstalled and all is well.
Love this addon. Thanks!
I'm hoping someone can help me with an odd issue. I'm using Fire tv with Kodi 17.1 installed. Last season was nearly flawless with only minor glitches here and there. It looks like the October 9th update has improved things, but I'm still experiencing some issues. Tonight when the actual game is playing it's pretty much perfect. I had one freeze up during the first period.

So here's the odd thing that's happening. Everything is fine until the commercial break graphic comes up. Once that shows up the animation totally stops. Sometimes it unfreezes as soon as the game starts again, but other times it just stays frozen until I go and click on the game again. I'm using the Akamai CDN because Level 3 won't even play. It freezes as soon as it's done loading.

Thank you for making this add on, it's been great! I'm just not sure what's causing this odd behavior lately.

I have the same problem as some users... I can't start a live game. I always get an error.

here is the log


Edit : i use the latest krypton kodi and latest version of the addon. On a mostly clean install.
Hi I’m still having issues with this addon on my iPad.

I was finally able to watch previous days replays today, but once the live games started tonight I had the same issue as before with the Kodi app basically crashes and I get kicked out to the home screen.

I’m using the latest update and Kodi 17.4. I’ve played with the logging settings but can’t see anywhere how to see the log file and what error I’m getting. Is there anything I can do? Does it make sense that live games don’t work but replays do? I’ve tried to watch 3 different games and different streams for each with the same result.

Thanks again for a great addon, and any help you can give me.
(2017-10-10, 14:41)eracknaphobia Wrote: [ -> ]Yes full logs always, don't bother posting snippets. You're probably not on the latest version by the sounds of it, verify the addon version by either bringing up the context menu and selecting information or going to Addons > Video Addons and change the view type to WideList.

Ok, I have confirmed that I am running the latest version 2017.10.09. Created a log here with what appears to be the same problem:

Thanks again for your time and help Smile
(2017-10-11, 06:56)takitoes Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, I have confirmed that I am running the latest version 2017.10.09. Created a log here with what appears to be the same problem:

Thanks again for your time and help Smile

Looks like the error is in the login process. Double check your credentials, whether or not you use rogers and try again.
First off eracknaphobia  thanks for doing this excellent add-on, it's the best way I've found to watch the NHL on Kodi.

I'm having issues with the latest release though from your repo when I try to watch games or recaps.  Here's the url for the log file paste.  https://pastebin.com/s4cirCji