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So here is the rub, I'm having difficulty finding and organizing things.

So I've added quite a few sources and quite a few addons and I've a wealth of content. The amount has really surprised me. I have a friend and also some family that have an android box running Kodi (or some equivalent) and I was impressed but it was only until recently that I realized that I could be running it on my PC. D'oh moment.

TL : DR - I'd like your suggestions on how to find the things I like more quickly. I'd also like to know how to organize better.

Should I just remove the addons. My worry is that I might remove something I like.

For example, to access things at the moment I go through video addons and look for the addon I need for the content I want but there is a lot of things in there and I don't recognise most of them. It's simply trial and error by which I've found what I'm looking for.

Anyway, cheers.
which addons are you talking about?
for your local content, use the library feature and you have the ability to search, filter and what not. For add-ons, you can only do trial and error on what you might like and what not, but you usually only install add-ons you might be interested in anyways.
If you have been using some add-on installer thing that gave you free access to movies and tv-shows via loads of different add-ons, then you're on your own - we don't give support for piracy and banned add-ons (which these are). Kodi has nothing to do with these add-ons, except for being used by them as media player.
If you are just starting with Kodi, I recommend reading the quickstart guide if you have not already done that. Before you can use the library you have to "scrape" all the movies on your harddrive(s). Having each movie in its own folder and using foldernames like "moviename (year)" helps a lot.
I would only start with just the addons you really need and use. As the previous poster mentioned, stay away from banned add-ons. Not only are they more likely to cause problems, it will hinder you getting support on these fora since we are all perfectly law abiding citizensAngel