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Full Version: iOS App Signer - Install Kodi without Jailbreak (iOS and tvOS)
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After trying install IPA, still says no provisioning profile for this executable was not found
(2016-01-04, 18:04)Nandor690 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-01-04, 18:02)Hotlinx Wrote: [ -> ]Changing led the version to 9.1 under bundle identifier Instead of 1.0

Under Project click on kodi and under Deployment Target make sure it is on iOS Deployment Target [9.1]

Ok I had it on 9.2 trying now
(2016-01-04, 18:04)Nandor690 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-01-04, 18:02)Hotlinx Wrote: [ -> ]Changing led the version to 9.1 under bundle identifier Instead of 1.0

Under Project click on kodi and under Deployment Target make sure it is on iOS Deployment Target [9.1]

And then under TARGETS click on kodi and under Deployment Info make sure it is set to Deployment Target [9.1]
Devices [iPhone]
Ok, no more error, fix button is now "fixed" packing IPA NOW (fingers crossed)
(2016-01-04, 18:09)Hotlinx Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, no more error, fix button is now "fixed" packing IPA NOW (fingers crossed)

Awesome. You should be in the clear now!!!!
After uploading the IPA, I get

App installation failed
Hey valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found
Was so close ugh
Wait, it's on phone
Ok it's on phone, I had to go to setting to trust it, it's a white icon, I open it and it blank white screen.
App could not be verified,
(2016-01-04, 18:19)Hotlinx Wrote: [ -> ]App could not be verified,

Just delete all of it and rebuild it in Xcode with the fixes you just figured out and make sure you are picking the same Provisioning Profile in App Signer that you used in Xcode.
Will do, thanks for help, chain gong the version to 9.1 instead of 1.0 was the biggest let Smile you all rock!
Totally worked! Thank you all! Love you NANDOR690
Is it true it expires and has to be reinstalled every 60 days? Will user data be lost as well?
(2016-01-04, 23:48)bmendes Wrote: [ -> ]Is it true it expires and has to be reinstalled every 60 days? Will user data be lost as well?

Yes, with the free account you have to re-sign every 3 months instead of every year for the paid membership

As long as the app is not deleted from the device you shouldn't lose any data though