Hello man, thank you so much for this guide you are awesome.
I have a question if you could help ill be forever thankfull.
I managed to get kodi working on Apple TV 4 few days ago, i then deleted to update a newer version but since then im getting this error massage
Quote:App installation failed
No code signature found
Getting it in the last step when uploading to the appleTV as shown below
I have no clue what to do and tried everything.
I tried older Kodi versions to be sure but still no solution.
(2016-02-08, 03:25)DanTheMan827 Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone has questions about installing with a working top shelf, see how to install Kodi on the Apple TV 4 with working top shelf
Pardon my ignorance but I've searched the forums and watched your video and I'm still not clear on what you mean by "a working top shelf." Would like to know before I upgrade to the latest .deb on my ATV. Also, have to resign for my iPad Air 2, can't believe it's been 90 days already. Thanks for App Signer and all the support.
have somebody same issue on Ipad, in system/add-ons/unknown sources i cant enable option..
(2016-02-08, 17:06)patarker Wrote: [ -> ] (2016-02-08, 03:25)DanTheMan827 Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone has questions about installing with a working top shelf, see how to install Kodi on the Apple TV 4 with working top shelf
Pardon my ignorance but I've searched the forums and watched your video and I'm still not clear on what you mean by "a working top shelf." Would like to know before I upgrade to the latest .deb on my ATV. Also, have to resign for my iPad Air 2, can't believe it's been 90 days already. Thanks for App Signer and all the support.
The top shelf is where you hover over the icon at the top of the apple tv menu and you get a list of movies on the very top of the screen

(2016-02-08, 16:01)korani Wrote: [ -> ]Hello man, thank you so much for this guide you are awesome.
I have a question if you could help ill be forever thankfull.
I managed to get kodi working on Apple TV 4 few days ago, i then deleted to update a newer version but since then im getting this error massage
Quote:App installation failed
No code signature found
Getting it in the last step when uploading to the appleTV as shown below
I have no clue what to do and tried everything.
I tried older Kodi versions to be sure but still no solution.
Usually that happens when the code signing certificate either wasn't trusted or got deleted...
A certificate is needed and Xcode doesn't always install it for some reason...
try downloading and installing this
Also, I'm guessing there's no certificate listed in iOS App Signer under signing certificate?
If that still doesn't work you can try
resetting your Xcode signing certificate
I am a newbie and have a question, I want to do nothing to kodi but add a video addon in the add ons folder, if i decomplile this IPA file and add that folder and files to it do i have to find a way to re-sign it since i made a change?
(2016-02-08, 18:45)TheLalaBox Wrote: [ -> ]I am a newbie and have a question, I want to do nothing to kodi but add a video addon in the add ons folder, if i decomplile this IPA file and add that folder and files to it do i have to find a way to re-sign it since i made a change?
The IPA is really just a .zip file with a Payload folder inside
You can go into that folder and then open up the Kodi.app package and then modify the built in add-ons
Then you can select the Kodi.app from the ipa with iOS App Signer and then re-sign it
iOS App Signer will then repackage that .app into an ipa ready to be installed
As Dan mentions in his excellent video its very important to get the right Provisioning Profile if you want the top shelf to work.
I had 3 identical ones in the drop down menu in IOS App Signer, only the bottom one worked.
Thank you.
Why is that exactly?
How can they be identical, if only one of them works?
identical in name, not contents

(2016-02-08, 22:18)Baxter3000 Wrote: [ -> ]Why is that exactly?
How can they be identical, if only one of them works?
They aren't identical but Xcode gives them the same name
I suppose I COULD sort duplicate profiles so that the newest is at the top
hey how do i delete old projects for iOS app signer
(2016-02-09, 01:15)Vito416 Wrote: [ -> ]hey how do i delete old projects for iOS app signer
If you're referring to the blank projects that Xcode creates, you can just drag those from finder to the trash.
If you're referring to the old provisioning profiles, go into Xcode preferences, accounts, select your Apple ID and team, and click view details
Then you can right click on the provisioning profiles and click move to trash or (and this is what I like to do) show in finder and just delete all of them in that folder
You can then download them again from Xcode and you'll be sure you have the latest
(2016-02-08, 22:29)DanTheMan827 Wrote: [ -> ] (2016-02-08, 22:18)Baxter3000 Wrote: [ -> ]Why is that exactly?
How can they be identical, if only one of them works?
They aren't identical but Xcode gives them the same name
I suppose I COULD sort duplicate profiles so that the newest is at the top
The newest release sorts the list alphabetically but if there are duplicates the newest will be at the top of that group
Also, you can hover over the items in the profile list for a tooltip with more detailed information such as expiration date
That's awesome. So the newest one is always the one that works for the top shelf?