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Full Version: How to control addon updating?
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Hi All,
I'm supporting a bunch of Kodi installations for friends, based on my own build but using a bunch of other people's addons.

Setting the addons set to update automatically works fine for all the official addons that are supported by Kodi, however with most of the other addons it leads to all sorts of problems - On-Tapp for example continually updated itself and lost the custom channel listings and settings that I'd painstakingly put together to the point where I've thrown it out and setup iVue instead as my default EPG.

I've looked into hosting my own repository which would be somewhat ideal, but can I do this to host other people's addons? I basically want to be able to test the updates first, and when they are proven to be OK put them on my FTP server (or similar) so that they automatically update when I want them to, but it looks like it's going to be a lot of hacking *.xml files each time and it doesn't look like this is a recommended or morally correct way of doing things.

Has anyone had this problem before, or have any suggestions to make this process easier than visiting all my friends with a USB stick every time a required addon needs an upgrade?