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Hello everyone,
I am creating the artwork for controllers, systems and the UI for controllers in Retroplayer
Zag thought it would be a good idea to create an appropriate thread in here instead of polluting the "input" thread in the dev section, so here it is.

I will try and keep it updated as much as possible with the artwork I am producing so you can feedback and help out or join me on an Asana board.

There already is a colleague of mine who has stepped up to help as well.

Since this is a long job and I have a family it won't be a speedy process, nonetheless it shouldn't be overly long.
To speed up I am trying to find existing console-specific line art such as the ones done by Rufino and trace them in Illustrator.
For the consoles that are not covered I will get photos of the actual consoles and trace those in the same way to give the whole artwork a coherent style .

What is being produced ultimately?

For each platform I am producing:

- Controller image(s) that cover every button
- Console image
- UI Concept

I will post all platforms and images starting with the supported cores and divide them by platform and (hopefully) I will add a "completed status once they are done.

Thanks for this.

Are you going to create them all from scratch?

There are already some good SVG files available on wikipedia commons and also google image search.

But seeing your work already and how detailed it was, i'm intregued to see what you can come up with Smile

Also what about colours?

I'm pretty good with GIMP vector art these days, so let me know what line thickness you are using and maybe I can also help.
Well whatever I can find already done in vector format will help boost productivity; I'd only need to adapt it and that would take less time.
Maybe I can invite you to the Asana board? There is a resource section for each platform where you can upload existing stuff such as traceable photos, existing vector files, etc... whatever can help speed up the process is welcome!

I'm not too sure about colouring them in, it seems very time consuming, but you can definitely give it a shot.
The lineart as it is is a style by itself and it's quite nice when lines are white on black background, but I have not explored many options right now.

For now everything is done in strokes so i can easily adjust the thickness in a couple of clicks, but once I/we find a good formula that works well I will create the compound path version for each.

Let me know if you want an invite.
(2016-01-14, 11:11)grumpygamer Wrote: [ -> ]What is being produced ultimately?

For each platform I am producing:

- Controller image(s) that cover every button
- Console image
- UI Concept

This should be good. I want to remove all images from kodi-game-controllers. Then we'll create a new type of resource add-on, "Controller artwork". We can also create "Platform artwork", or combine the two. That way skins won't be forced to use a single style.

Thanks for helping, grumpygamer. Your artwork is making a lot of cool things possible!

(2016-01-14, 11:38)grumpygamer Wrote: [ -> ]The lineart as it is is a style by itself and it's quite nice when lines are white on black background

Agreed, I find this style appealing.
I'm a bit confused about MSX, there are lots of models... which one should I take to make the lineart?
upped N64
Looking good!
(2016-01-15, 23:58)grumpygamer Wrote: [ -> ]I'm a bit confused about MSX, there are lots of models... which one should I take to make the lineart?

That's a tricky one. I'd suggest using any model that comes close to the main concept, such as the Mitsubishi or Daewoo systems.
Ok, can't find any good shots of Mitsubishi and Daewoo.
Could this one work?

Can you map this to kodi? Would you have to map a keyboard to a keyboard?
These graphics are great and I can't wait to see the rest.

There is one little issue, though. The top view (L and R view) of the SNES controller has the buttons and D-pad swapped. It's barely noticeable, and I'm actually surprised I caught it.
That's a weird one, I'm pretty sure I was projecting it when I did it so it should be all right, maybe I just put up a wrong version?
Anyway good catch, I will take a look at it this evening.
Awesome, clean and simple Smile Would fit minimalistic Skins like artic Zephyr very well Smile
But maybe Skins also should be able to change those images.
Loving this artwork!
(2016-01-25, 11:09)grumpygamer Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, can't find any good shots of Mitsubishi and Daewoo.
Could this one work?
Looks close enough to the main design. I'd go with it, but your question is valid. Do you really need to map MSX (or Amiga / Atari ST, etc.)?
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