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Full Version: tMM & Customizing Scraping
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I switched to tMM a few months ago, after having used Ember for the longest time. I like that tMM is simpler, more lightweight, but I can't figure out how to customize the way it scrapes certain things. Hope to get some guidance on these...
  • Outline is the same as plot, just truncated after certain character length. Why isn't the actual outline scraped from imdb?
  • How can I NOT have these fields at all, NOT even blank (not even empty with tags)?
    - <set></set>
    - <top250></top250>
    - <votes>221011</votes>
    - <tagline></tagline>
    - <thumb></thumb>
    - <fanart></fanart>
    - <mpaa>NR</mpaa>
    - <certification>NR</certification>
    - <tmdbId>0</tmdbId>
    - <country>US</country>
    - <premiered>2015-07-17</premiered>
    - <watched>false</watched>
    - <playcount>0</playcount>
    - <studio>Marvel Studios</studio>
    - <thumb>http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTI3MjcyNzI2NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNzI5Nzkz._V1._SX400_.jpg</thumb> No thumbs line for all actors
  • Only scape the first 10 actors
  • Don't scrape any producers
  • And, for TV episodes, why isn't <fileinfo> scraped? No codec info, etc.
(2016-01-20, 19:54)hdmkv Wrote: [ -> ]And, for TV episodes, why isn't <fileinfo> scraped? No codec info, etc.

That's plain wrong. See:


You might have to configure the settings properly...
Customized scraping hasn't worked for me either. The moviedb info is empty most of the times. Plot and outline are the same. And too many studios when imdb scraper is used. So Kodi can't show any studio logo. Currently using imdb scraper. But fileinfo is scraped correctly for movie and tv shows both.. must be a problem with your mediainfo.