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Full Version: Xonfluence for Isengard v15.x
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I want to fix the bug for movies where the poster art is superimposed over the clear art in the bottom-left corner when the movie is paused. I knows this was fixed in a subsequent release but it is Jarvis v16.x only. Is this something I can fix myself?
I have the effect of case-icons overlapping the clearart in video-OSD.

See: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid1962768

Can someone please fix this?

And another Request: Option of a single default background for movie and tv-show libraries would be great (instead of fanart)!
(2016-03-25, 15:19)cozmo Wrote: [ -> ]I have the effect of case-icons overlapping the clearart in video-OSD.

See: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid1962768

Can someone please fix this?

I have the exact same problem which I posted one above yours. I know this was fixed but require Kodi v16 (Jarvis). I'm really hoping we can fix this for people like me still on Kodi v15 (iseengard)
Helly1206 just posted a fix on the Xonfluence for Jarvis thread!
Thanks for the tip, worked for me too!
can you have more than 10 or so items in the widgets for the Isengard version? Or any way to get more?
Is it possible to explain how to switch on those fancy fanarts while listening to radio?
So that i can see artist fanart and CD fanart like listening to local music?
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