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Full Version: How to create WindowXMLDialog as Info-Popup without focus?
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I have a DialogXML, which opens show(), and hide by close().
But the problem is, all actions are prensent on the dialog.
Is there a way to show the dialog as popup like mutebug or a workaround to forward the actions to current window?

class MFLDialog(xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog):

    def __init__(self, xmlFilename, scriptPath, defaultSkin, defaultRes):
        log("Initializing MFL Dialog...")

MFL = MFLDialog("DialogMFL.xml", __addonpath__, 'Default', '720p')

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<window type="dialog">
    <control type="group">
      <animation effect="slide" end="0,-120" time="300" tween="quadratic" easing="out">WindowClose</animation>
      <animation effect="slide" start="0,-120" time="300" tween="quadratic" easing="out">WindowOpen</animation>
      <control type="image">
        <texture flipx="false" border="5,5,5,5">OverlayDialogBackground.png</texture>
      <control type="image">
That's my workaround. Would be cool, if someone has a better solution.

class MFLDialog(xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog):
    def __init__(self, xmlFilename, scriptPath, defaultSkin, defaultRes):
        log("Initializing MFL Dialog...")
        self.Action = {
                        1: 'Left',
                        2: 'Right',
                        3: 'Up',
                        4: 'Down',
                        7: 'Select',
                        92: 'Back',
                        117: 'ContextMenu'

    def onAction(self, action):
        curWinID = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId()
        xbmc.executebuiltin('Action(%s,%s)' % (self.Action[action.getId()],curWinID))

it's bad, the workaround don't always works well.
sometime when a dialog is open, the action are forwarded to the background window.