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Full Version: Installation Conflict Question
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Forgive please if this is a dead horse, but I have a general question. I see many comments in different threads where members comment about issues, but often they indicate they have a "dedicated" device (PC, Laptop) for KODI. Is there any harm in having it on the device you use for day to day activities? And then like use it to watch your shows or sports in the evening? Might be silly, but I really would like to know. I am just now getting brave enough to try again to set up and use KODI. I live in Japan, and miss much of what I used to view stateside.

Thanks for any/all input in advance.

Newbie mcubed.jpn
Kodi doesn't provide content, so it won't magically give you access to stateside TV.

But yeah, most of us like the convenience of a dedicated box, and not having to replug to the TV every night to watch something.
I guess I don't understand KODI at all, based on your reply "nickr". I thought if you install KODI on a PC, MacBook, or any hardware that supports it, and you grab the add-ins you want and enable them, that you just watch them on your PC or the hardware you are working with/using? Is that not the case? Do most people have a dedicated or "old" PC that they use, and it's hooked up directly to a TV?
I hope someone can clarify this for me. I now live in Japan, and boy howdy do I miss all the US based entertainment content I used to have at my whims.
Thanks to everyone/anyone in advance.
You can use kodi on any combination of hardware and operating system that are supported, from a tiny screen android phone to a PC plugged into your projector and a 150 inch screen.

Most people have it plugged into their TV but some use their desktop or laptop.

You are also free to use any addon you like, but if they fall into the banned list r break the forum rules, don't ask about them here, or promote piracy.

Clear now?

EDIT please read http://kodi.wiki/view/Free_content