Just noticed that the menu item "information" is not available in context menu if video is NOT in library.
If file is in library, menu item is there.
Is this bug or feature?
This is not a bug, if it was not scanned into your library how would it give you information about the cast and plot? Or are you suggesting that there should be an information context menu item that shows you metadata information if it has not been scanned?
All previous versions of Kodi/XBMC had this function as follows:
If I select this item for files not in library, it will before displaying this info scrape needed data from net. Now I have to rescan complete library (that is ridiculous slow using RPi's and mysql database) or as workaround I have configure for getting menu when pushing OK button for selected file
imo there should so maybe that's a bug due to some cleanup.
Agree, so question is:
is this skin issue or Kodi issue. IMO it is Kodi issue
can only be Kodi issue i think. Try Confluence to be sure
Tried Confluence skin. And of course, still not there
Try beta 2. There's a new 'Scan to library' menu that does what the old 'information' did
(2016-09-22, 21:23)takoi Wrote: [ -> ]Try beta 2. There's a new 'Scan to library' menu that does what the old 'information' did
But does that function the same as the info dialog as that one actually ask to correctly input the name if it couldn't find it. Scan to library just makes it try to scan it but doesn't do anything else.
So they do not do the same unless that changed now.
Scan to libray: adds it as some source and scan it on library update but will ignore if no match found
infodialog: forces you to enter a correctly matching title if it wasn't found yet
It does not (see my post #3).
And this is very very slow to scan entire configured file structure for new files
btw, iIm already on beta3
I want to update/put into library one selected file only
Not to be confused with 'Scan for new content'. That's for sources. The 'to library' one is available for other files and folder and does exactly the same as the old info dialog. Ideally this should be fixed so 'info' show the info dialog and 'scan' scans, but this is how it's been before.
Now I'm completely confused
Can not find that function. All I have is Update Library function and that function scans disk completely
Maybe we're talking about different things ...
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
That's not fair. I do not have this menu (just built new Kodi beta3 for my openSUSE notebook). How did you get this
Got it now
Setting content is necessary for getting this menu item