in the skin.estuary i was able to change the Exit Menu in the file Home.xml, which i replaced the complete menu option to just a Quit() command.
now in skin.estuary.mod, the Home.xml file is complete different and this possibility become blind for me.
where can i MOD the skin.estuary.mod Exit Menu ?
thanks for your help
Why open a new thread ? There is already a thread for my mod...
You can personnalize shutdown menu directly in skin settings.
(2016-10-04, 21:46)Lepaka Wrote: [ -> ]in the skin.estuary i was able to change the Exit Menu in the file Home.xml, which i replaced the complete menu option to just a Quit() command.
now in skin.estuary.mod, the Home.xml file is complete different and this possibility become blind for me.
where can i MOD the skin.estuary.mod Exit Menu ?
thanks for your help
Forget about editing any xml file just go to Skin settings --> Customise power menu
I am openning a separate POST because I want something extra out of the box, I am not looking to change the Exit Menu contents, that is already offerend in the skin.estuary.mod.
To get clear, I don't want to open an additional window with options when I click the Power Menu. What I want is to Quit() the application when I click the Power Menu, NO ADDITIONAL CLICKS.
That is possible to do with the skin.estuary and should be possible also with the skin.estuary.mod. it is just to find where is the right code line and write <onclick> Quit() </onclick>.
the sugestion given by Av3nge to look for DialogButtonMenu.xml , I did not try yet, I will this evening
In Includes_Home.xml, line 8419 replace line "<param name="onclick" value="ActivateWindow(shutdownmenu)" />"
thanks Guilouz
it is exactly the code line I was looking for that activate the Power Menu