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Could someone throw some light on the two params of time and image when used with xbmc.notification()

time: I've been informed it should be milliseconds, but ieven if I pass 140000 (14secs) it shows for the default time (~3secs)

example command used:


image: Always attempts to load filename from the current skins media folder.

ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: Q:\skin\Project Mayhem III\media\image=Q:\scripts\myscriptname\resources\notify.gif

example command used:


Is it possible to get it to load an image from your own scripts path?
Is there a preferred image type/size ?

i dont think you need to put time= ... just the value for notifcations.


Cannot recall if it uses "" though but the above i think would work.
That sorted the time (quotes not needed btw). thanks.

but image still gives the error

ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: Q:\skin\Project Mayhem III\media\"q:\userdata\thumbnails\icons\notify.gif"

Its seems to be hardcoded to join whatevers passed onto current skin path?
Here is a simple solution, it only works in PM3 though, i've tested PM3 and MC360.

import xbmc, xbmcgui
import os

imgPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd().replace(';',''), 'resources').lstrip("Q:\\")
imgFile = imgPath + "\\preview.png"

xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Notification(heading,message,5000,..\\..\\..\\' + imgFile + ')')
Thanks for having a look at it. but tbh, as its only a PMIII solution, its not ideal.

Ideally, XBMC.Notification() could check in the path given before looking for filename in the skin path.