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11.2.59 FOR KODI 18 LEIA
Available through the official Kodi repository!


To install this skin for Kodi 18 Leia, you must do so from the Add-on Manager within Kodi:
  1. Navigate to Settings
  2. Add-ons
  3. Install from repository
  4. Kodi Add-on repository
  5. Look and feel
  6. Skins
  7. Rapier
  8. Install


  • A fully customizable home screen Games category has been added with submenus, widget, backgrounds, icon and add-on shortcuts. Click here for screenshots.
    Use this category to enter the Games windows and add-ons.
  • A Games widget has been added for the custom categories. Screenshot.
  • Custom playlist support has been added for custom home screen category backgrounds. Screenshot
    When creating a custom home screen category, go to the section "Background" and click the Fanart or Path button. Select "Custom playlist (random)" or "Custom Playlist (recent)", and select which playlist to use for backgrounds.

  • Clicking the top bar CD icon will open up a new disc dialog. Screenshot.

  • Full user rating support has been added. Click here for screenshots.
    Go to Skin Settings > Media > General > Select rating.
    You can either select "Default" or "My rating".

  • A new button has been added to the add-on information window: "Dependencies". Screenshot.
    Clicking this button will display a dialog with all dependencies of the currently selected add-on.
  • Button added to the movie information window: "Go to movie set"
    This button is displayed when the movie is part of a set.
  • Expiration date and time has been added to the PVR information window.

  • The OSD subtitle button has been changed. Screenshot.
    Clicking the button will now open up the Subtitle Settings dialog.
    All subtitle settings are moved to this new dialog.
  • New fullscreen video OSD menu has been added: Miscellaneous settings. Screenshot
    In this menu you can find settings for colour management and change the resolution.
  • Video and audio bitrate information has been added to the player process dialog.

  • RDS Information have been updated and improved.
  • OSD buttons has been added to fullscreen live music.

  • Updated PVR timers window with more info and better design. Screenshot
  • A View Option setting for channel icons in PVR timers window has been added.
    This is similar to the button in the guide window and will toggle channel icons or channel labels.
  • PVR Guide now, next and channel views are removed.
  • Support for direct numeric channel number input. Screenshot.
    When watching fullscreen tv or listening to fullscreen radio, entering a numeric value will switch to the corresponding channel number. The numeric value will show directly on screen.
    Before the numeric input dialog was opened.
    Numeric channel number input has been added for the PVR windows in the sort letter notification area (top left).
  • PVR Group Manager and PVR Channel Manager dialogs has been updated with changes for Kodi Leia. Screenshot.
  • A "Channel Guide" button has been added to PVR channel and guide information windows. Click here for screenshots.
  • A "All Videos" / "Watched" / "Unwatched" toggle button has been added to the PVR recordings window.

  • Game controllers dialog has been updated. Screenshot

  • The settings menubar has been reconfigured, and Games section has been added. Screenshot.
    This means that the Add-on button is removed. Use the home screen System or Add-ons submenus to enter this section or add a custom item.

  • Changed Skin Settings > Add more categories to only one button. Screenshot 1. Screenshot 2. Screenshot 3.
    This will make it more user friendly and faster to use.
  • A lot of new presets and a Games section has been added to the presets dialog (which is used when creating custom categories or submenus). Screenshot.

  • Support for 8K video content has been added.
  • Major code cleanup.
  • Audio CD support has been significantly improved.
  • Added help text in the add-on settings dialog.
    This new text is displayed at the bottom of the dialog, when the add-on provides the info.

  • Support for Artist Slideshow add-on 2.x and 3.x
  • Full support has been added for the Netflix input-stream add-on.
    This add-on has to be installed manually.
  • Updated script.globalsearch for Kodi 18.
    The script has been optimized and rewritten.
  • Support has been added for the add-on service.upnext. Click here for screenshots.
    Support has been removed for the deprecated add-on service.nextup.notification.
  • Support has been added for Artwork Beef (script.artwork.beef).
    This add-on has to be installed manually:
    url=https://github.com/rmrector/repository.rector.stuff/raw/master/latest/repository.rector.stuff-latest.zip]Download rmrector's development repository[/url] and install it inside Kodi from zip.
    Once installed, navigate to:
    Add-ons > Install from repository > Rector Stuff > Program add-ons > Artwork Beef
  • All support for script.tvtunes (TV Tunes) and script.videoextras (VideoExtras) has been removed.
    The official add-on script.extras can be used instead of script.videoextras.
  • Support for the add-on Special Features (plugin.video.specialfeatures) has been added.

The first post will always be updated with the latest information and changelog.
If you have any problems or find any bugs, please let me know right away.
Also, if you have features, ideas, designs etc. you would like added, I'll be more than happy to help.


You can always follow latest development, download uncompressed textures etc. on Github.


You can manually install my repository to automatically receive the newest development updates.
You will still receive the official updates.


You can find a detailed guide to Rapier's skin settings at the wiki.

Please keep this thread reserved for Rapier for Kodi 18 Leia.
Click here for Rapier for Kodi 20 Nexus.
Click here for Rapier for Kodi 19 Matrix.



- Replaced home screen Movies category submenu "Studios" with "Sets".
- Bugfixing of movie and tv show backgrounds in libraries.
- Skin Settings: clicking custom category icons button will reset the path.
- Adding "bdremux" to a filename will display a blu-ray media flag.
- Fix for formatted short duration.
- Cosmetic improvements for Now Playing widget.
- Cosmetic improvements for Player Controls dialog.
- Updated translations from Transifex.
- Add skin clearlogo and banner images.

11.2.56 (25-February-20)
- Changed Skin Settings > Add more categories to only one button and more user friendly.

11.2.55 (7-February-20)
- Add better mouse support to home screen categories (thanks to olympus).
- Fix label for tv shows in custom widgets (thanks to olympus).

11.2.54 (9-January-20)
- Fixed scrollbar in Skin Settings > Supported Add-ons.

11.2.53 (21-December-19)
- Fix service.upnext errors.

11.2.52 (17-December-19)
- Label 2 for tv shows will now show rating.

11.2.51 (30-November-19)
- It's now possible to switch to Playlist View in all windows, when more than one music or video track is playing.

11.2.50 (21-November-19)
- Support for Artist Slideshow 2.x / 3.x.

11.2.49 (10-November-19)
- Changed Arial font for home screen categories to better support different languages.

11.2.48 (10-October-19)
- Adjustments to subtitle dialog.

11.2.47 (24-September-19)
- Fix for album covers when playing music.

11.2.46 (18-August-19)
- Actors in video information window will always display images.

11.2.45 (8-August-19)
- Added support for CoreELEC.

11.2.44 (12-July-19)
- Cleanup using expressions.
- Fixed navigation from home button in PVR information window.
- Cleanup Home window code.
- Minor improvements of PVR group manager dialog.

11.2.43 (18-June-19)
- Added "Information" button to context menu when running programs.

11.2.42 (18-June-19)
- Code cleanup on certain view types and animations.

11.2.41 (9-June-19)
- Bugfixing.

11.2.40 (30-May-19)
- Added skin setting to disable scrollbar trailer playback.

11.2.39 (25-May-19)
- Added DefaultBluray.png icon.
- Fixed no background in PVR information window when accessed from home window.

11.2.38 (2-May-19)
- Added View Option setting for channel icons in PVR timers window.

11.2.37 (22-April-19)
- Updated PVR timers window with more info and better design.

11.2.36 (21-April-19)
- Bugfixing.

11.2.35 (30-March-19)
- Fixes for fullscreen video labels.

11.2.34 (27-March-19)
- Updated addon settings dialog with help text.
- Fix for player process info dialog CPU usage label.

11.2.33 (20-March-19)
- Updated language files from Transifex.
- Fix for home screen add-on widgets.
- Fix for PVR recordings episode name.

11.2.32 (24-February-19)
- Added sort letter notification for PVR guide window.
- Added more info labels for PVR recordings window.

11.2.31 (11-February-19)
- Added support for Netflix add-on.

11.2.30 (2-February-19)
- Increased the size of album cover and disc art in fullscreen music window.
- Added missing key to keyboard dialog.

11.2.29 (26-January-19)
- Clicking the top bar CD icon will open up a new disc dialog.
- Added "Go to movie set" button to movie information window.
- Music library image improvements.

11.2.28 (24-January-19)
- Use music cd art in home screen and player controls dialog.

11.2.27 (20-January-19)
- Added skin setting to show information when fullscreen video is paused.

11.2.26 (13-January-19)
- Improved audio CD support.
- Added more presets to the presets dialog (when creating custom categories and submenus).
- Prefer Artwork Beef add-on over Artwork Downloader add-on.

11.2.25 (10-January-19)
- Added new OSD menu with resolution settings.

11.2.24 (3-January-19)
- Fixes for star rating transparency.

11.2.23 (3-January-19)
- Bugfixes.

11.2.22 (3-January-19)
- Added skin setting for full user rating support.

11.2.21 (23-December-18)
- Added support for DTS-ES audio.

11.2.20 (15-December-18)
- Added icon for spoilers.
- Removed support of service.nextup.notification
- Added support for service.upnext

11.2.19 (2-December-18)
- Fix poster and thumb scaling throughout the skin.
- Added more OSD buttons to fullscreen live music.
- Updated RDS Info support.

11.2.18 (19-November-18)
- Bump xbmc.gui

11.2.17 (14-November-18)
- Music OSD RDS information button is moved to OSD Information dialog.
- Fixes in confirm dialog.
- Added true support for music library clear logos.

11.2.16 (11-November-18)
- All home screen widget images will now scale or keep aspect ratio.

11.2.15 (1-November-18)
- Added support for 8K content.

11.2.14 (25-October-18)
- Fixed scrollbars.

11.2.13 (25-October-18)
- Added custom playlist support for custom home screen categories.

11.2.12 (20-October-18)
- Live video and music backgrounds are now displayed throughout the skin.

11.2.11 (6-October-18)
- Replaced OpenWeatherMap Extended weather add-on with Weatherbit IO.

11.2.10 (4-October-18)
- Some OSD buttons are hidden if not active.
- Episode specials are now displayed as "Special E01" instead of "S0E01" (thank to sualfred).
- Replaced the custom widgets "New DVD's" and "Upcoming DVD's" with "Top rated movies" and "Top rated tv shows".
- Added Game OSD help dialog.
- Updated Game Controllers dialog.

11.2.9 (18-June-18)
- Hide bookmarks button for fullscreen live tv.
- Latest game changes.

11.2.8 (6-June-18)
- Fixes for fullscreen video OSD.

11.2.7 (2-June-18)
- Issues fixed related to skin strings.

11.2.6 (31-May-18)
- More OSD buttons are now available for PVR recordings and other content.

11.2.5 (19-April-18)
- Updated layout of PVR Search, Timers and Timer Rules windows.

11.2.4 (17-April-18)
- Added support for the Special Features add-on (plugin.video.specialfeatures).
- Cleanup using new time formats.

11.2.3 (12-April-18)
- Use new PVR time labels.

11.2.2 (6-April-18)
- Added 4K watched and unwatched library overlays.

11.2.1 (3-April-18)
- Removed audio DSP.

11.2.0 (28-March-18)
- When playing music in party mode, Random and Repeat buttons are hidden or disabled.
- New default icons.
- Removed support for script.videoextras (use script.extras instead).
- Removed support for script.tvtunes.
- OSD subtitle changes for Kodi 18.
- Added skin setting in Backgrounds to hide all home screen widget backgrounds.
- Code cleanup after https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/13651
- Updated keyboard dialog with latest changes.
- Updated script.globalsearch for Kodi 18.

11.1.15 (29-November-17)
- Removed view option: "Title on top bar".
- Changed PVR channel number label according to https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/13069.
- Added new functions to the presets dialog: clean library for movies, tv shows and music videos.
- Added LibreELEC and OpenELEC power button to "Reboot from internal".
- Added LibreELEC and OpenELEC power button "Reboot from internal" to presets dialog.

11.1.14 (16-November-17)
- Fanart view option setting now follows library type (movies, tv shows, music, add-ons etc.)

11.1.13 (7-October-17)
- Latest game changes.

11.1.12 (19-September-17)
- Added DTS:X media flag.

11.1.11 (18-September-17)
- Added technical information dialog during fullscreen music playback ("Information" button).
- Fixed paths for Android and added home screen Add-on category "Android Apps" submenu.
- Added "Android Apps" menu item to Add-ons window.
- Latest game changes.
- Added EXIF ImageDescription / EXIF User Comment / IPTC Caption tags to Slideshow window.
- Added media flag for Dolby Atmos.

11.1.10 (28-August-17)
- Audio information during picture slideshow will now animate out after 5 seconds of idle time.
- Fix for wrong displayed label for tv shows in files section.

11.1.9 (26-August-17)
- Fix for missing artist slideshow images during music playback.
- Update of game OSD dialogs + added additional features.
- Support for latest PVR features.

11.1.8 (22-August-17)
- Added watched / unwatched overlay to season list in tv show information window.

11.1.7 (22-August-17)
- Fixed cast list in Wrap List Info Views.
- Added "Next Up Episodes" list to tv show information window (Extra Info menu) (big thanks to jurialmunkey).
- Minor change of tv show information window for banner style.
- Added "Seasons" list to tv show and season information window (Extra Info menu).

11.1.6 (11-July-17)
- Added expiration date and time to PVR information window.
- Fixes for weather window.
- Added "Dependencies" button to add-on information window.

11.1.5 (6-July-17)
- Fonts cleanup.
- Added scroll animation for list in subtitles dialog.
- Updated login screen.
- Added game OSD.
- Updated language files from Transifex.

11.1.4 (11-June-17)
- Removed resource.uisounds.rapier (Rapier UI Sounds) dependency.
- Added end time to video information dialog.
- Added Extended List View for seasons.

11.1.3 (4-June-17)
- Fonts cleanup.
- Fix home menu position for all font sets.
- Added Extended List View for music albums.
- Kodi 18 changes for add-on settings dialog.

11.1.2 (10-May-17)
- Removed script.randomandlastitems, script.skin.helper.backgrounds and script.image.resource.select dependencies.

11.1.1 (5-May-17)
- New default icons.
- View types now change in correct order using Container.OnNext / Container.OnPrevious.
- Duration changes and updates.
- Minor update of global search main window.
- Video information window will now support all content types.

11.1.0 (21-April-17)
- Redesign of home screen categories.
- Slightly redesign of home screen widgets.
- Updated navigation for all widgets.
- Custom categories now use a regular text label instead of images.
- Custom category names are now used in the skin settings instead of "Custom 1", "Custom 2" etc.
- Removed all custom category images from skin.rapier/extras/ folder.
- Removed all category images from skin.rapier/media/homecategories/ folder.
- Updated screenshots.
- Updated duration labels for Kodi Leia.

11.0.8 (3-April-17)
- Added Skin Settings > Home > Change Category Actions: change all main category actions.
- Added "Debug information" button to fullscreen video OSD.

11.0.7 (21-March-17)
- Added information window for single movies part of a movie set.
- Updated PVR Group Manager and PVR Channel Manager dialogs for Kodi Leia.

11.0.6 (16-March-17)
- Removed Wide List views.
- Added new section to skin settings: Views. Use this to disable views (will increase performance).
- Added "Channel Guide" button to PVR channel and guide information windows.
- Fix missing Icon View for picture and program add-ons.

11.0.5 (6-March-17)
- Added "Download Extrafanart" button to video information window.
- Updated script.skin.helper.service infolabels for v1.1.3
- Added List Info / List Info 2 / Thumbs Info Views for video content.
- Fixes for episode views.

11.0.4 (28-February-17)
- Several fixed for views.

11.0.3 (25-February-17)
- Removed sort letter notification for some sort methods.
- Improvements of extra fanart.
- Added All Videos / Watched / Unwatched toggle button for PVR recordings window.
- Added support for script.skin.helper.skinbackup
- Added support for script.skin.helper.backgrounds
- Added support for script.skin.helper.widgets
- Decreased the size of home screen category icons.

11.0.2 (11-February-17)
- Home screen Add-ons category will open up a new Add-ons window.
- Updated video information window to support video content type.
- Added Fullscreen button to Player Controls dialog.
- Fix for PVR subchannel numbers.
- Updated Player Process Info dialog.

11.0.1 (30-January-17)
- Added List Info 2 View to tv show seasons.
- Added List Info 3 View to tv show seasons.
- Added banner style to List Info 3 View for tv shows and seasons.
- Added video and audio bitrate information to player process dialog.

11.0.0 (26-January-17)
- Bump xbmc.gui to 5.13.0
- Major code cleanup.
- Added fully customizable Games home screen category.
- Added Games windows.
- Reconfigured Settings menubar and added Game settings.
- Added Games category to the presets dialog (used when creating custom categories and submenus).
- Removed PVR Guide now, next and channel views.
- Added support for direct numeric channel number input.
- Added Games widget for custom categories.
- Added numeric channel number input for sort letter notification.

Full changelog can be viewed here.


Translation of the skin is handled on Weblate.
Please sign up and join the project to translate this skin.
A huge thanks to all the translators for the great work - it's really appreciated!


Favourites script (ronie, `Black)
TV Show - Next Aired (Ppic, Frost, ronie, `Black, phil65)
Skin Helper Service (marcelveldt)
Skin Helper Widgets (marcelveldt)
White Studio Icons (Team Kodi)


Rapier UI Sounds (Gade)
Artwork Downloader (Martijn)
Random and Last items script (MikeBZH44, Martijn, `Black)
Global Search (ronie)
Image Resource Script (ronie)
Skin Helper Backgrounds (marcelveldt)
Artist Slideshow (ronie, pkscout)
CU LRC Lyrics (Taxigps, ronie)
Skin Helper Skinbackup (marcelveldt)
CDArt Manager (Giftie)
ExtendedInfo Script (phil65)
Weatherbit IO (ronie)
CinemaVision (CinemaVision)
Library Node Editor (Unfledged, Team-Kodi)
User Rating Script (Regss)
script.module.t9.search (Phil65)
service.upnext (im85288)
Audio Profiles (Regss)
Autocompletions for virtual keyboard (phil65)
Special Features (smitchell6879, evertiro)
Image resource genre icons, weather icons and genre fanart, weather fanart add-ons...


Netflix Add-on
Artwork Beef (rmrector)
MyPicsDB (Xycl, MikeBZH44, Alexsolex)
IMDB Update (Jandalf)
Library Editor Script (phil65)
script.youtube.browser (phil65)


If you like Rapier and want to buy me a coffee or beer, feel free to donate. Greatly appreciated! Wink

I have the offical repo but only see 10.9.3

repo 2.0.1
It's been added to the official Kodi Leia add-on repo. Not my development repo.

Should update within a day or so.
Now it's up on the mirrors - so you should have the update by now.
(2017-01-29, 17:26)Gade Wrote: [ -> ]Now it's up on the mirrors - so you should have the update by now.

got it ty!
UPDATE: Rapier 11.0.5 is available through the official Kodi repository!

This update is installed automatically.
If this is not the case, you can download it here.

This is a massive update both visually and internally.

2 add-ons will be automatically installed with this update:
  • Skin Helper Backgrounds (script.skin.helper.backgrounds): This add-on is now used for all slideshow backgrounds for music, movies, videos, tv shows, music videos and pvr.
  • Skin Helper Widgets (script.skin.helper.widgets): This add-on is now used for some widgets

The reason for this is a major refactor of the Skin Helper add-on (script.skin.helper.service).
The new add-ons replaces and improves functions previously handled by script.skin.helper.service.

Other hightlights are:
  • List Info / List Info 2 / Thumbs Info Views has been added for video content. Screenshots below.
    This is useful when using the Youtube add-on.
  • List Info 2 View to tv show seasons has been added. Screenshots below.
  • List Info 3 View to tv show seasons has been added. Screenshot below.
  • A banner style has been added to List Info 3 View for tv shows and seasons. Screenshot below.
    Go to the View Options to enable this style.
  • The home screen Add-ons category will now open a completely new add-ons window. Screenshots below.
    This is very useful for a quick overview of your add-ons, organizing them or to just have video, audio, program and picture in the same window.
    The top options menu bar contains a lot of useful features for handling add-ons.
  • Several fixes and improvements for views.
  • Player Process Info dialog has been updated.
  • A "Download Extrafanart" button has been added to the video information window.
  • Updated video information window to support video content type.
    This is useful when running an add-on with video content.
  • A "All Videos" / "Watched" / "Unwatched" toggle button has been added to the PVR recordings window.

11.0.5 (6-March-17)
- Added "Download Extrafanart" button to video information window.
- Updated script.skin.helper.service infolabels for v1.1.3
- Added List Info / List Info 2 / Thumbs Info Views for video content.
- Fixes for episode views.
- Several fixed for views.
- Removed sort letter notification for some sort methods.
- Improvements of extra fanart.
- Added All Videos / Watched / Unwatched toggle button for PVR recordings window.
- Added support for script.skin.helper.skinbackup
- Added support for script.skin.helper.backgrounds
- Added support for script.skin.helper.widgets
- Decreased the size of home screen category icons.
- Home screen Add-ons category will open up a new Add-ons window.
- Updated video information window to support video content type.
- Added Fullscreen button to Player Controls dialog.
- Fix for PVR subchannel numbers.
- Updated Player Process Info dialog.
- Added List Info 2 View to tv show seasons.
- Added List Info 3 View to tv show seasons.
- Added banner style to List Info 3 View for tv shows and seasons.
- Added video and audio bitrate information to player process dialog.

Added List Info 2 View to tv show seasons
Banner style

Added List Info 2 View to tv show seasons
Expanded style

Added List Info 3 View to tv show seasons

Added banner style to List Info 3 View for tv shows and seasons

Added List Info / List Info 2 / Thumbs Info Views for video content
List Info

Added List Info / List Info 2 / Thumbs Info Views for video content
List Info 2

Added List Info / List Info 2 / Thumbs Info Views for video content
Thumbs Info

Home screen Add-ons category will open up a new Add-ons window
Music add-ons

Home screen Add-ons category will open up a new Add-ons window
My add-ons

Would anyone miss the Wide List View and Fanart View?

I'm considering getting rid of some views to speed up performance.

Based on this poll, not many people are using them.
(2017-03-13, 14:14)Gade Wrote: [ -> ]Would anyone miss the Wide List View and Fanart View?

I'm considering getting rid of some views to speed up performance.

Based on this poll, not many people are using them.
(2017-04-12, 03:39)stacksptdtdm Wrote: [ -> ]
(2017-03-13, 14:14)Gade Wrote: [ -> ]Would anyone miss the Wide List View and Fanart View?

I'm considering getting rid of some views to speed up performance.

Based on this poll, not many people are using them.

I don't use those views

I removed Wide List View - Fanart View is still there.

From the next update, you can disable all view types you don't use in your libraries. This will indeed speed up performance.
You can get this update right now by installing my development repository.

After automatically getting the latest update (10.4.8), go to Skin Settings > Views
Disable view types you don't use. Eg. if you only use List Info 3 View for movies, disable ALL other view types.
I'm currently working on improving the home screen.
Both to speed up performance, reduce skin size and to make it a bit more modern.

All categories now use a regular font, which means that category images are no longer needed.
This improves performance, reduces the overall size and is much easier when creating custom categories. Now you just enter the text for the custom category.

I have moved some info around, recently added widgets now contains 5 items, and slightly sped up category animations, which should make them more responsive.

To give an idea of what I mean:



Please compare the two images and write any thoughts on this.
You can click them to see them full size.
Help needed!

I just pushed the latest development update to my repo.

This update includes the new home screen categories, some widget refactoring and widget navigation changes.

All custom categories now use a regular text label instead of custom category images.
This means that all custom category names are reverted to "Custom 1", "Custom 2" etc.
Go to Skin Settings > Home > Category Menu > Add more categories / 2 / 3 / 4
Click the "Name" button to set the category name.

This new name is used throughout the skin and also in the skin settings.

Heavy testing is needed and any feedback is extremely appreciated!
Also any thoughts on appearance, ideas etc.

Read here how to install my development repository.
UPDATE: Rapier 11.1.0 is available through the official Kodi repository!

This update is installed automatically.
If this is not the case, you can download it here.

The home screen categories are changed and updated. Screenshots below.
This allows for a more modern look, faster load times, smoother animations and reduced skin size.
The categories now use a regular text label instead of images, which makes it far more flexible.
All home screen widgets top right has been changed slightly and an extra visible item has been added (now 5 items).

All custom categories have been RESET to "Custom 1", "Custom 2" etc.
Go to Skin Settings > Home > Category Menu > Add more categories / 2 / 3 / 4 >
Click the "Name" button to set the category name (this new name is used throughout the skin and also in the skin settings).
If home screen navigation buttons are disabled, 11 characters maximum are recommended.
If home screen navigation buttons are enabled, 10 characters maximum are recommended.

A new section has been added to the skin settings: "Views". Screenshot below.
This section is especially useful when using a low powered device.
Here you can disable all view types you don't use in all windows and sections of Kodi.
TIP: Disabling every single view type you don't use will significantly speed up load times when entering windows and libraries.

Other hightlights are:
  • A new function has been added to Skin Settings > Home > "Change Category Actions". Screenshots below.
    Here you can change the functions of all main home screen categories - with full support for library nodes.
    NOTE: This new feature will reset the now deprecated skin settings to redirect the Music, Videos, TV or Radio categories!
  • An information window for single movies part of a movie set has been added. Screenshot below.
    When focusing a single movie part of a movie set, use the context menu to open the window.
  • PVR Group Manager and PVR Channel Manager dialogs has been updated with changes for Kodi Leia. Screenshot below.
  • A "Channel Guide" button has been added to PVR channel and guide information windows. Screenshots below.
  • A "Debug information" button has been added to fullscreen video OSD. Screenshot below.
    Click this button to display debug information during fullscreen video playback.

11.1.0 (21-April-17)
- Redesign of home screen categories.
- Slightly redesign of home screen widgets.
- Updated navigation for all widgets.
- Custom categories now use a regular text label instead of images.
- Custom category names are now used in the skin settings instead of "Custom 1", "Custom 2" etc.
- Removed all custom category images from skin.rapier/extras/ folder.
- Removed all category images from skin.rapier/media/homecategories/ folder.
- Updated screenshots.
- Updated duration labels for Kodi Leia.
- Added Skin Settings > Home > Change Category Actions: change all main category actions.
- Added "Debug information" button to fullscreen video OSD.
- Added information window for single movies part of a movie set.
- Updated PVR Group Manager and PVR Channel Manager dialogs for Kodi Leia.
- Removed Wide List views.
- Added new section to skin settings: Views. Use this to disable views (will increase performance).
- Added "Channel Guide" button to PVR channel and guide information windows.
- Fix missing Icon View for picture and program add-ons.

Redesign of home screen categories
Slightly redesign of home screen widgets
Movies category

Redesign of home screen categories
Slightly redesign of home screen widgets
TV Shows category

Redesign of home screen categories
Videos category

Redesign of home screen categories
Skin Settings > Home > Category Menu > Add more categories / 2 / 3 / 4 > Name

Added information window for single movies part of a movie set

Added new section to skin settings: Views

Added Skin Settings > Home > Change Category Actions

Added Skin Settings > Home > Change Category Actions
Change Music category action

Added Skin Settings > Home > Change Category Actions
Dialog for the music category

Added "Debug information" button to fullscreen video OSD

Added "Channel Guide" button to PVR channel and guide information windows
Click the "Channel guide" button

Added "Channel Guide" button to PVR channel and guide information windows
Channel guide dialog


Updated PVR Group Manager and PVR Channel Manager dialogs for Kodi Leia

If you switch Live TV Channels with auto switching on kodi start the music visualisation.
you can go back and see the PVR again.
Video: https://youtu.be/MPn9W0t79WE
Kodi.log: https://nopaste.me/view/2e1f27dc
Hi skybird.

Thanks for reporting the issue.

I'm extremely busy at work and home at the moment, so I'll look into it when I have some time.

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