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Full Version: Andromeda 1.x for Kodi 17.x Krypton
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(2017-05-11, 15:15)Marc0810 Wrote: [ -> ]all you need in fontforge.

Thanks, i'll try!

Actually I work on a better unifom dimension in my glyphs.
After long test i found the right way for the dimension.

Sorry for my bad englischSmile..

With this template I have good experiences.
The template Icon A ist the approximately max height and must be centeres between the two helplines.
The distances horizontal must be near 170 with a max Dimension of 2048 em.
You can positioning the Glyph on left=170 and place the right guideline which means the glyph width
+ 170 distance from the right side of the glyph.

In the first version I have the Icons in a fix witdh (smaller or bigger icons depending on the use).
But in Kodi with fontsize above 100 the icons doesent have a uniform dimension and mixing for menu an/or dialogmenues
are really hard.

In the New version its better.

Here is my actual template with grids and die em sizes in the font settings dialog from fontforge
(these have a direct effect of the font rendering i think)

Aligning in Kodi is not exact centered, because the glyph doesent have "bottom" lines like "g".

Maybe it helps
I use the portable version of Fontforge - i think its a defference between portable and the regular version.

I'll try it when i return home. I'm on holiday until tuesday.


happy holidaysSmile

What an amazing skin

However I keep getting a 15 second widget lag when switching from one heading to another. Any idea why that is?
To be more specific, if I'm on let's say, movies, then I switch to TV shows, the movie widgets will still be visible instead of the TV shows widgets. And this will happen on any other heading I scroll to. It takes roughly 10 to 30 seconds for the widgets to auto refresh properly. Can anyone share some thoughts on this please
I'm really liking the new info view menu, and it did fix my gripe with the play button. It's all very accessible and functional...thank you!

Now for three more Smile:

- It would be nice to have an option to disable the blank discart if no discart is found for that movie. I personally don't like the aesthetics of the blank discart, and think it looks somewhat tacky next to all the nice colors.

- In the info view, it would be nice to have the backdrop displayed in the forefront instead of the movie list. Many skins tend to show the fanart rather than the movie list behind the info page, and it's something I believe looks better.

- The ability to scroll right to left any entry on the info page that is too long to be displayed (such as tagline, genre, writer, etc)

Ignore the strange resolution (did a quick capture on my computer opposed to media center), this info page captures two of the issues I highlighted above: Image

Ultimately these are minor nitpicks since they don't affect functionality, so great work!

Edit: and now a bug: if playing music, the discart rotation speeds up globally. For example, if you play a song then browse movies, the discart spins faster than usual. Perhaps the discart rotation speed can be decreased for music as a workaround?

Edit2: one more suggestion/request: Ability to display bullet points (maybe using dashes like " - ") in the sets page of movies in a set for info (depending on view). Estuary does this, but might be the only skin to do so.

Edit3: there's one other OSD option I've noticed a lot of skins are adding that I've begun to like: show info on pause.
Hi tgx, glad to see your working hard on Andromeda!

Curious to know, will you have a repo for us to install
So well automatically get futur updates for your skin?

Hi again, i tried to update Andromeda using github latest master

#1. Now widgets Simply dont show up on main screen.

#2. Choosing black color in palett as "custom" background color
Makes the screen dim on & off quite often... Weird.
If i change color, like Indigo, well screen wont dim and all is ok...

#3. Cursor still needs to press up on first item and go straight to last one.
Its really a must as this bugs alot of People.

#4. Strip view, when item is highlighted, its text under it
Should be colored same as highlighted color...
Easier to distinguish even more...

#5. Your skin somehow Overwrites chosen views
And always revert back to big list.
Some addons have custom views option
But in Andromeda Nothing works because views
Arent remembered since Andromeda Overwrites them
And goes back to big list..

Hope these will get fixed, would to have Andromeda as main skin.
But right now i cant :/

Thanks tgx!
1. Widgets have changed and you need to reconfigure them in the home screen editor.
2. Cannot reproduce.
3. Fixed in the latest revision.
4. It's already like this.
5. Not supporting p. addons.

(2017-05-12, 16:57)Skribbler1 Wrote: [ -> ]What an amazing skin

However I keep getting a 15 second widget lag when switching from one heading to another. Any idea why that is?
To be more specific, if I'm on let's say, movies, then I switch to TV shows, the movie widgets will still be visible instead of the TV shows widgets. And this will happen on any other heading I scroll to. It takes roughly 10 to 30 seconds for the widgets to auto refresh properly. Can anyone share some thoughts on this please

The latest revision should fix the widget reloading lag on slow devices, or at least the lag should be minimized.

(2017-05-12, 20:24)realjohngalt Wrote: [ -> ]Now for three more Smile:

In the latest revision:

1 - Added an option to disable empty cdart.
2 - Info dialogs have now their own fanart backdrop.
3 - The focused item should already scroll.
4 - Cdart rotation gets faster when something is playing. It's not a bug. It's a feature.
5 - I'll have a look at bullets for movie sets.
6 - Added an option to display info when video is paused.


Great work tgx as usual. I like how you handle the media infos, clean & easy to read.
Wasn't even aware this existed till just today, planning on loading it this evening.

cheers mate!
Tgx, Thanks again for an amazing skin. I wonder how the official release will look like.

Few bugs I have found after updating to your latest revision:
1. CD ART and music "poster" are not loading.
2. Widgets are resetting after every skin refresh - the system is forcing the includes-script-skin shortcuts file and it doesn't matter how I change the menus it goes back to that file.
3. the fullscreen information page is not loading when the video is paused.
4. actors photos are not loading
5. studio art/logos and movie logos won't load as well (music logos do load).

I wonder if it is a plugin issue on my end? or is it code issue and if so my biggest issue is the shortcuts and widget I set in the settings that always revert back to what you hard-coded in the files.
I have all the dependencies installed on their latest version if that helps.

Appreciate your hard work! Cheers!
I've none of these issues.
There's something wrong on your side.
Great simple skin. Couple of questions.
Is there a square icon view?
Do you have a repo I can install for auto update?
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