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Full Version: Delete Watched Recordings
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Hi all, I recently posted about having a tool or the ability to delete watched recordings. This can be handy when you just want to tidy up your recordings, regardless of whether you have room left or not on your recordings drive. I didn't get any replies so I've written myself a VERY basic tool which I thought I would share here for anyone else that might be interested. The tool only works if you have set up Argus to use MSSQL, not MySQL. It runs through your recordings and:

- Checks if the recording is set to 100% watched and isn't set to "keep forever"
- Deletes the video file and all associated files (.edl, .thmb, .srt etc)
- Deletes the SQL records from appropriate ArgusTV tables

Simply change the SQL server, user and password settings in ArgusCleanup.exe.config to suit your own environment.

