watch gallery
Although the screenshots are coming from Leia, Krypton is set up the same.
I added my own Splash Screen to Libreelec. The reason for adding my name to it is so that friends know that I have built the box myself, and any modification is done by me! I also moved the tty console to '3' so no calls of when it is expanding/updating, if it hangs far too long, I just reflash the SD Card and restore if need be.
All modifications to Kodi etc which I have made have my name for example TVHeadend reads 'Jay-TV Freeview' My Esturary Mod is called Jay-TV, and the description I let guests read when they proclaim I have a 'Kodi box' and as 'What build' it is... all they get from me is stock Forum Answers from me at that point!
I rearranged the Menu items to suit my own needs, this is all that is shown on both my Pi's, if I add something else in the near future I will simply move this around.
'Favourites' reads 'On Demand' - even in the Dialog Window (YAY!), only because the addons I have added to favourites are video addons, and anything that is 'Smart' on a TV is either called 'On Demand' or 'Catch-up'
Jay-TV Channel is the LazyTV addon, just renamed and thumbnail changed.
Jay-TV Music Channel is Music Videos Party Mode, and is a shortcut in the Favourites XML.
Recorded TV is a folder on my server for archived TV recordings.
Now Music Jukebox is the Now Albums marked as genre 'Now Albums' and Partymode on music is set play just these, and added as a favourite.
The rest are from the Freeview Addon.
All 'Favourites' thumbnails are the same size, and are transparent, so they are all uniform.
TV Guide is set to Font 13
The main menu - Live TV calls to TV Guide and not channels, and Music goes straight to 'Albums'
I use 'Font' Ariel, colour 'Midnight' and use the background add-ons for the backgrounds.
Put simply, I have my own custom built set-top box. I am my own (legitimate) TV Provider! (at the end of the day a PVR from a cable or satellite company is a Tuner/Hard Drive and a few apps)