Weather forecast from the weather service
- Current forecast
- Daily forecast up to 7 days
- 3-Hourly forecast for 48 hours
- Weekend forecast
- 36Hour (Today-Tonight-Tomorrow) forecast
Stable version availible in official repository
Development version can be installed from my repository
repository.vlmaksime or downloaded from GitHub by link
(2017-11-05, 23:32)vl_maksime Wrote: [ -> ]Weather forecast from the weather service Gismeteo
Features:- Current forecast
- Daily forecast up to 7 days
- 3-Hourly forecast for 48 hours
- Weekend forecast
- 36Hour (Today-Tonight-Tomorrow) forecast
The current version can be installed from my repository repository.vlmaksime or downloaded from GitHub by link weather.gismeteo
Thanks for making this.
Does gismeteo need API key or is it free?
You should try getting it added to Kodi repo when finished.
(2017-11-08, 00:42)the_bo Wrote: [ -> ]Does gismeteo need API key or is it free?
It works without API keys.
I use API methods from this browser extension:
Mozilla Firefox Extension
The addon is not working? Keep getting an error to check the log. This started this morning.
richd29, fixed version available in my repository
Please help me. Gismeteo not work.
LibreELEC:~ # grep version /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
15:12:19.046 T:1944793088 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Raspberry Pi)
15:12:19.046 T:1944793088 NOTICE: Kodi compiled Apr 13 2018 by GCC 6.2.0 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.9.80 (264528)
15:12:19.046 T:1944793088 NOTICE: Running on LibreELEC (official): 8.2.5, kernel: Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.9.80
LibreELEC:~ # cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
16:00:38.863 T:1395651488 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
Error Contents: u'hash'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/weather.gismeteo/", line 19, in <module>
_ = weather.initialize_gettext()
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/weather.gismeteo/resources/lib/", line 824, in initialize_gettext
raw_strings_hash != ui_strings_map['hash']):
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/weather.gismeteo/resources/lib/", line 236, in __getitem__
return self._storage[key]
KeyError: u'hash'
-->End of Python script error report<--
vasilisc, try to delete file 'userdata\addon_data\weather.gismeteo\__gettext__.pcl'. It's should help.
Hi I tried all the weather ad-dons since weather ad-don weatherunderground died. This addon will not work in my area Hamilton (CA) any help?
Ices, is there any errors? Can you attach your log file?
(2018-06-02, 17:19)vl_maksime Wrote: [ -> ]@Ices, is there any errors? Can you attach your log file?
Hi I tied it again with Hamilton (CA) and I did get the error, I then tried it with just Hamilton and it took me to the page to set Hamilton, Ontario so I picked that one and yeah it worked lol. Thanks for your help.
Hi vl_maksime
First of all thanks for such a nice kodi weather addon.
Got little problem and wondering if you could help.
On a daily basis I'm using Kodi with Polish language, Gismeteo in settings is set to use System language which is of course Polish
Problem is, some of the weather description comes mixed Polish / Russian language. When you open weather or same on widgets.
I have attached screenshot for reference. Wondering if there is an option maybe for modification? I did had a look and website Gismeteo comes also with Polish version ending with .pl
Appreciate your help and what you do for the community!
Hello, awesomeultimate
This string is returned by Gismeteo API. Here is the link for Warsaw:
There is string:
<day date="2018-07-19" risem="277" setm="1246" durm="969" sunrise="1531975020" sunset="1532033160" tmin="19" tmax="24" pmin="744" pmax="746" wsmin="2" wsmax="4" hummin="82" hummax="98" cl="101" pt="1" pr="2" ts="1" icon="" descr="Переменная облачность, deszcz, burza" p="0" ws="4" wd="8" hum="91" grademax="2" prflt="11"/>