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Available add-ons

RetroArch: the official frontend for Libretro cores with a lot of features and settings used by Lakka.
Advanced Emulator Launcher: Best way to integrate and launch your game collections in Kodi.
EmulationStation: a nice frontend also used by RetroPie and Recalbox.
DraStic RPi: Experimental Nintendo DS emulator for Raspberry Pi 2/3.
PPSSPP RPi: PSP emulator for Raspberry Pi 2/3. 

Download & Info
- Download and install this repo zip file.
- More info in github project site

Thanks ! works pretty good ... easy to use Smile
Awesome add-on for easy retrogaming from LibreELEC and OpenELEC!
NICE ! What is the recommended game controller for Raspberry Pi ?
yes, this sounds great and i second the request for information on a gaming controller. any wireless ones?
(2016-06-08, 20:04)Rickt1962 Wrote: [ -> ]NICE ! What is the recommended game controller for Raspberry Pi ?
I'm using a Genuine Sony PS3 DualShock Wireless Controller and it works great ! Big Grin
IMO the best is a PS3 Dualshock connected with bluetooth. Also I use a PS4 dualshock connected with USB (not to lose bluetooth pairing with my ps4) and I tried a XBOX 360 controller with a chinese adaptor and it also works flawlessly. Some users also use 8bitdo gamepads and also work.
+1 for this addon. It works really well and makes setup of emulators on RPi with Kodi really easy. Getting close to being a perfect solution with my addon. Thanks for making this bite_your_idols Big Grin
Much love for this piece of work! <3
(2016-06-09, 09:24)bite_your_idols Wrote: [ -> ]IMO the best is a PS3 Dualshock connected with bluetooth. Also I use a PS4 dualshock connected with USB (not to lose bluetooth pairing with my ps4) and I tried a XBOX 360 controller with a chinese adaptor and it also works flawlessly. Some users also use 8bitdo gamepads and also work.

went with the xbox 360 receiver for pc and works very well.

great work on this addon, thanks!
Thank you for this awesome addon. Brilliant!
stupid question time. is there a way to quit a game and go back into kodi? button combo or something?
(2016-06-21, 22:45)Ruckus Wrote: [ -> ]stupid question time. is there a way to quit a game and go back into kodi? button combo or something?

when in a game, press menu button (ps button in dualshock, xbox button in xbox360controller) and you will open retroarch menu, then select exit retroarch. You will return to kodi. You can edit your gamepad config file and assing a shortcut, for instance I assigned ps button + select to quit retroarch...
I have Gamestarter configured to Launch "Emulation Station" by Default ... and this is how it works with my PS3 Controller to return to KODI

While playing a Game ... to exit, press the PS button on the controller which brings up the Retroarch menu, select "Exit Retroarch" then press "X" which then returns to the "Emulation Station" menu ... and then press "Start" on my PS3 Controller and select "Quit" and press "X"

and you're back to the Kodi Main Menu Smile
(2016-06-22, 09:33)bite_your_idols Wrote: [ -> ]when in a game, press menu button (ps button in dualshock, xbox button in xbox360controller) and you will open retroarch menu, then select exit retroarch. You will return to kodi. You can edit your gamepad config file and assing a shortcut, for instance I assigned ps button + select to quit retroarch...

fantastic, thanks.

again, awesome work on this addon.
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