Madnox for Leia
This is a 100% recode with new textures and modified textures of previous aeon skins.
Many thanks
Super Thanks
Madnox is now available on the kodi repo.
v.20.11.23 (Current Kodi Repo Version)
-Initial release
-Fix for info widgets not showing text
-Update case variables for views and nowplaying
-Add filename check '4k' for case variables
Looks great, Happy to see that Madnox is still alive and kicking and that there are bods still working on one of my favorite skins for Kodi.
Looking forward to release or beta testing where I can help out. I'd like to update my music import guide for Leia and this new Madnox skin when ready and share once again with everyone.
Thanks Zorg
Wow, amazing. Can't wait to try this out.
Nice Skin!
Well, finally i tried it,
and this is it.
Madnox 2.0 Alpha release

Yep much anticipation for this one, glad to hear its being given its own identity.
Hi Mr. V is pleased to hear that Madnox is resurrecting.
For me personally, there are a few features of Madnox, which have helped me to stay with madnox and bought me expensive hardware to use it for 4K.
Can I maybe give you my wishes-features?
Maybe there is something that you have also planned?
- Live DVD Background in the Main Menu
- Showcase View for movies with open case
- Clear Art Cases
- Live TV with artwork
- Fake Discs for Series and Movies in the Lowlist view
- Full Artwork Support (Logo, FakeDisc, Clear Art etc.)
For Kodi 18 it would be nice to have a great view for the retro player also with artwork
For different views i like the clean look from the skin Zephyr - Arctic Light:
Maybe that gives incentives
Thanks Mr. V for you work!!!!
(2017-12-20, 14:43)Slipass Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Mr. V is pleased to hear that Madnox is resurrecting. 
For me personally, there are a few features of Madnox, which have helped me to stay with madnox and bought me expensive hardware to use it for 4K.
Can I maybe give you my wishes-features?
Maybe there is something that you have also planned?
- Live DVD Background in the Main Menu
- Showcase View for movies with open case
- Clear Art Cases
- Live TV with artwork
- Fake Discs for Series and Movies in the Lowlist view
- Full Artwork Support (Logo, FakeDisc, Clear Art etc.)
For Kodi 18 it would be nice to have a great view for the retro player also with artwork
For different views i like the clean look from the skin Zephyr - Arctic Light:
Maybe that gives incentives 
Thanks Mr. V for you work!!!!
Hi Slipass,
Your suggestions are welcome.
For the alpha version;
Live backgrounds, cases, Live TV, retroplayer and full artwork support will be included. With a small selection of library views. Not so sure how retro player artwork will be included as i am seeing how support/possible scrapers evolve.
For the beta;
Large selection of library views including a showcase view. Unsure of fake disc art and skin helper pvr art, needs some thought on how they will be coded.
Cheers for the inspiration for Artic Zephyr. Some very clean looking views.
(2017-12-25, 07:57)guandms Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. V - Great work, can you tell us when we will be able to test it 
The time-frame is unknown for now. Alpha version some time in the future. Wish i could be more accurate but coding a whole skin from scratch takes a long time.
Looks great so far and glad Madnox has a new home, thanks for all the time and effort you and your team are putting into this and can't wait to see what you all come up with!!
Hi @
Mr. V
now i have collected a few ideas for the next madnox version and for "my" must have feature.
New possible views?
The views are from my old xbox360 times with aurora skin/freestyle dashboard - maybe it is possible to adapt the view for
movies/tvshows/music and games ?
Kodi 18 has fully retro gaming support. It would be nice to have the views for games to.
Here an example for the animations:
Here a example from my actually rom collection view with 3d boxes and video preview. olny artwork support is missing
An example for a music view with artwork

Must have from the "old" madnox
1: The Live DVD Background for Music/TV Shows and Movies
2: Showcase View for movies with open case and discart
3: A short video preview from "nox playing video" and artwork support in different views
4: Artwork support for LiveTV and Records (Fallback TV Logo)
5: Fake discs for Series and Movies in the Lowlist view
6: Pause screen with artwork support
7: Individual home menu with submenus and all with his own live dvd background
8: Fully Artwork Support (Logo, FakeDisc, Clear Art, 3D Box Art etc.)
At the moment i have no concrete ideas for a better picture view in madnox.
The actually view is a little bit uncomfortable to show the holiday picture my family.
Another idea is a own view for .pdf like a book store but at the moment has kodi no pdf support
Just installed on my Shield with latest nightly. Early days yet but one thing id like to see would be to not have any labels on show at all when setting up main menu.
I've created my own icons for menu items such as live shows. I don't need any text on the menu bar telling me what menu is what as I've got text in the icons.
I've just setup a few menus with the icons. Yet underneath and also going through them I have the 'set label's text go through them. I thought I'd try and delete the text but I get <none> instead.
Hope this makes sense and there anyway around it all already?