(2023-03-23, 14:42)PatriciaW Wrote: [ -> ]I have a Premium Account and I pay $5/month for it. I have a userid/password to use it.
The reason I asked is because earlier in the thread I think someone thought they had a premium account because they had a user/pass. There are three options: guest, free (with a user/pass), and premium (no ads with a user/pass)
The fact a premium account is not getting NN might mean there is a chance that when it is restored things might go back to the status quo. Or they might not.
I doubt that anyone will get access to NN and some other channels and ad-free programs since the restriction is not limited to this addon.
The reason I was willing to pay $5 is because that way I could avoid using a cable service for CBC programming.
When I search videos in the app I don't find some videos that I see in the bowser. One that I don't see is The Thin Blue Line. It is a foreign TV series. What am I doing wrong?
When I use the Search option in the CBC video add-on and enter "blue" then several matches are returned including "Thin Blue Line". If I then select that then I discover there are 2 seasons. I tested by playing the Trailer for Season 1 and it worked for me.
(2023-03-26, 15:08)PatriciaW Wrote: [ -> ]When I search videos in the app I don't find some videos that I see in the bowser. One that I don't see is The Thin Blue Line. It is a foreign TV series. What am I doing wrong?
The actual title of the show is "Thin Blue Line" a Swedish series not the more famous British series "The Thin Blue Line" The search does work when you search the former but doesn't when you use the latter. Interesting though that the use of the word "The" in front of "Thin Blue Line" brings up no results. I would think that if most of the search matched it would bring it up.
OK, so CBCNN is working for me again on a 'free' account... Hopefully it stays available for everyone.
(2023-03-30, 19:06)micahg Wrote: [ -> ]OK, so CBCNN is working for me again on a 'free' account... Hopefully it stays available for everyone.
Same here, I just had to login again at the website.
Glad to see it back, I've lost a ton of channels this week all from freely available sources:OTA or FAST streaming services.
Not sure if it is coincidental or not, I'm pretty sure one group of channels from a FAST streaming service were DRMed because I was watching from another country and didn't need a "gimmick" and now they won't play.
My login is failing authorization. When I initially launch the add-on I'm told this, then any show I've tried to play also tells me my authorization failed. I hadn't used this add-on in a few weeks but it's always worked before (thank you @
micahg ). CBCNN does work though. I'm able to login and watch shows on my computer. I have a "free" account. Running Kodi 19.5.
I can confirm. Live channels working ok, the rest of the categories' videos are getting an authorization error.
I went to the website and signed out and in again before checking on Kodi. Website videos playing ok. (Kodi 20.1/Win 7)
Edit: I can't log into the website anymore. I logged out but can't get back in. Videos seem to play ok but it is not showing me as logged in.
OK, I can reproduce it -- I'll take a look when I have a minute.
I've been playing around at the website trying to login. I can't login with FF or Opera, where I was able to before (popups/ad blocking?) I was able to login with Chrome and then logged out and cleared the cookies to keep testing. Now I can't login with Chrome either. I wonder if I have exhausted my quota of logins (if that exists)
Logged in or not, the website seems to play videos.
micahg when you are at the website are you shown as logged in or does it say Sign in like I'm seeing
Hey @
I can log in to the website. I'm juggling a few things right now but I'll try to get this out of the way shortly.
Hey Folks,
Still working on the auth - think I'm almost done but I have a few things on the go and the new Azure login flow is a bit finicky.
Anxiously awaiting, thanks.
Any news on this CBC addon?