(2023-10-09, 13:51)micahg Wrote: [ -> ]I swear it wasn't there when I looked.
It was below the others, easy to miss if you didn't scroll down (which might have happened to me as well)
Did you get a chance to check the
Olympic Channel schedule from the website (again have to scroll down), is that something you can work with.
Is the standalone plugin (plugin.video.cbc-4.0.17+matrix.1) available somewhere, if so I can't find it.
Hmm... can't explain it, unless they gave the channel a callsign that exists in the normal guide data. Anyway, the PR has been merged so those of you without computers from the future the guide data should show up soon.
Well, I wish my computer from the future would decide to fix the Internet Archive addon but so far it hasn't

I'd really appreciate it if someone could speculate as to when this will be available in the official repo. I have someone here who is really missing her Heartland
(2023-11-22, 08:34)heysoundude Wrote: [ -> ]I'd really appreciate it if someone could speculate as to when this will be available in the official repo. I have someone here who is really missing her Heartland
I see the latest version (4.0.17+matrix.1) in the Kodi Repo and it has been working all along for me.
If that isn't working for you, you can also get Heartland (Season 1 - 15) from
the BYU addon. It also has the popular series The Chosen.
Yes, I've found it and installed it (xbian kodi v20.2 bookworm aarm64 version, latest update on my RasPi4b)
It doesn't seem to want to authorize/authenticate with my email addy, and that's preventing me from adding it to my IPTV Simple setup using Matt Huisman's IPTV Merge...which I now realize may not be an approved add-on.
I seem to recall going through this before - it has something to do with me using "sign in with google" in the Gem app on my phone...can't remember how I fixed it
Yes - make sure your identity credentials are with gem (not a social provider).
Also, I use IPTV merge too, no worries there afaik.
(2023-11-22, 21:40)heysoundude Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, I've found it and installed it (xbian kodi v20.2 bookworm aarm64 version, latest update on my RasPi4b)
It doesn't seem to want to authorize/authenticate with my email addy, and that's preventing me from adding it to my IPTV Simple setup using Matt Huisman's IPTV Merge...which I now realize may not be an approved add-on.
I seem to recall going through this before - it has something to do with me using "sign in with google" in the Gem app on my phone...can't remember how I fixed it
Yes, definitely you should have a GEM account and not sign in through a third party (Google). Signing up for a GEM account is free and easy to do. Just to isolate the issue, I am using the latest CBC addon (4.0.17+matrix.1) with IPTV Merge and all are working fine.
Kodi 20.2/Win 7
(2023-11-22, 21:53)micahg Wrote: [ -> ]Yes - make sure your identity credentials are with gem (not a social provider).
Also, I use IPTV merge too, no worries there afaik.
I've already a Gem account that I created with "sign in with Google" - I didn't even stop to think about how THAT would affect THIS...and this is exactly the issue iirc.
I wonder if it's possible to change my GEM credentials to be the same gmail addy, to skip using the "sucker" button...let me try and get back to you guys.
UPDATE - Bazinga! this did it: log out (both app and add-on), change password with Gem, re-login to both app and add-on.
IDK, sign in with your normal account is great... just not for kodi.
Generally its one less password you have to remember.
lol, isn't that the point of "sign in with google"?
whatever, it's working now. There is (and will be) Homeland...and a peaceful home