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So I'm having an issue with just my TV season fanart not showing up as a background. When you hover over any season it just displays the series fanart. Season fanart shows up fine in other skins. Plus Aura is using the season artwork to generate landscape thumbs in the widgets so I know it sees them. I've been scouring the menu to see if I accidentally changed some setting to block season fanart but I can't find anything. I've already deleted the thumbnail cache and preloaded everything with artwork beef and that hasn't changed a thing. Has anyone else had this issue?

Hi Trying to keep Backgrounds Blurry using your colorbox option on all views bar the Home Screen.

I took out the line <onunload condition="System.HasAddon(script.colorbox)">SetProperty(NINE_manual_set,"var=main,set=$INFO[Skin.String(colorbox_main)]|var=comp,set=$INFO[Skin.String(colorbox_comp)]|var=quality,set=$INFO[Skin.String(colorbox_quality)]|var=blursize,set=$INFO[Skin.String(colorbox_blursize)]|var=bitsize,set=$INFO[Skin.String(colorbox_bitsize)]|var=pixelsize,set=$INFO[Skin.String(colorbox_pixelsize)]|var=black,set=$INFO[Skin.String(colorbox_black)]|var=white,set=$INFO[Skin.String(colorbox_white)]|var=blend,set=$INFO[Skin.String(colorbox_blend)]|var=desat,set=$INFO[Skin.String(colorbox_desat)]",home)</onunload> 
 from SkinSettings.xml and this looks good but as soon as You load another view and go back to home then home is then Blurry ??

Assume this is possible as you give the option to only blur Info Diogs 

(2019-10-24, 01:27)BoosterSilver Wrote: [ -> ]So I'm having an issue with just my TV season fanart not showing up as a background. When you hover over any season it just displays the series fanart. Season fanart shows up fine in other skins. Plus Aura is using the season artwork to generate landscape thumbs in the widgets so I know it sees them. I've been scouring the menu to see if I accidentally changed some setting to block season fanart but I can't find anything. I've already deleted the thumbnail cache and preloaded everything with artwork beef and that hasn't changed a thing. Has anyone else had this issue?

try deleting the simplecache settings folder.
Was talking with Wintermute0110 here and he suggested that the issue I'm having with AEL might be better addressed here instead.

The Problem is that my boxart in Landscape Showcase View and in regular Showcase View are cropped and I may be able to fix this by changing one of the Aura xmls, although I'm not sure which.  I'm trying to set the aspect ratio of these images from stretch to keep.  As you can see from the images linked below, SNES boxart gets REALLY cropped and longer boxes, like the ones for 3DO, also get cropped a bit.  

Here's what I'm talking about:

Example 1 Example 2
Guys I have a strange request.

Can I add a front page entry which shows "recently added TV shows"
Not "recently added episodes" but actual shows?   Is this possible?
This skin is lovely but there's one very annoying thing that I can't seem to find a way to disable, the startup sound. How can I turn it off?

I can't seem to find any skin option in the GUI to turn it off nor I can't seem to find a sound file inside the "skin.aura" folder relative to this.

Any ideas?
On a scale from "drag & drop" to "wholesale rewrite", how hard would it be to port/copy some of the views from Arctic Zephyr 2 to Aura? I prefer the Aura main menu, but the AZ2 media views.
I'm not sure if I asked this.

I'm really curious, if I can set up a page or widget which lists 


Not new TV episodes - actual shows.

So my wife can see all the stuff I've aded for her recently?

I had a lovely smart playlist set as a custom menu (for documentaries, what else?) item, but unfortunately, I had to start my kodi+aura set up from scratch and upon trying to replicate it, I can't seem to find my smart playlist I created for documentaries. 
Navigating to:
Quote:Customise home menu > choose item for menu > video library > playlist > 
the only items visible are:
Quote:top rated episodes, etc.
It simply doesn't list my custom playlist. 

If I go to
Quote:choose item for menu > favourite >
the playlist is visible there, but it then simply does nothing when accessed from my home menu.

From memory, I used someone's script and I don't think I achieved it as per the instructions for the Aeon Nox Silvo skin.

Any help would be most graciously appreciated.
regarding artist slideshow, does anyone know what changes need to be made to aura for this to be implemented?
Hey guys

I was installing aura on a different box and I was getting IMDb votes but no other ratings. I went back to my main box and deleted simplecache.db and I don't seem to be getting results there. Is there some way for me to verify this more directly rather than just "wait a while" ?
Thanks. Really love aura.
Edit: loooooots of patience eventually solved this.
Really like this skin, great work!  Question, I've set this up exactly how I want it, but how would I enable the submenu widgets to always show instead of having to push up to show them.  I have it set up so that my submenu contains items I want quick access to and always visible without pushing up to show.  Possible?  I've searched here and gone through the settings, don't see it, assume I have to edit an xml.
"Hi Trying to keep Backgrounds Blurry using your colorbox option on all views bar the Home Screen."

After a big of digging due to lack of response ... I altered these lines in Includes_Global.xml and now I dont get Blurry Backgrounds on HOME or "PRESSING UP" option

 <variable name="Global_Background_Image">
        <value condition="Skin.HasSetting(NoFanart)">$VAR[Global_Background_Image_NoFanart]</value>

        <!-- <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(home).Property(ImageFilterFIVE)) + Skin.HasSetting(EnableBlur) + [!Skin.HasSetting(OnlyBlurInfo) | [Skin.HasSetting(OnlyBlurInfo) + [Window.IsVisible(DialogVideoInfo.xml) | Window.IsVisible(DialogMusicInfo.xml) | Window.IsVisible(DialogAddonInfo.xml) | Window.IsVisible(script-script.extendedinfo-DialogVideoInfo.xml) | Window.IsVisible(script-script.extendedinfo-DialogInfo.xml)]]] + !Control.HasFocus(9602)">$INFO[Window(home).Property(ImageFilterFIVE)]</value>-->

                <value condition="!Window.IsVisible(home) + !Control.HasFocus(9602)">$INFO[Window(home).Property(ImageFilterFIVE)]</value>

First, thanks for this skin! It's lean and running well on RPi3! It's the only one, that is able to use custom main menus with a huge library without the RPi3 dying from running out of memory :-)👍

First, is it possible to change the color of the colored marker (cursor)? I'd like it to be more like the dialog box color...

With self defined nodes, the views doesn't change sortorder according to the node's definition. I've always habe to adapt the sorting order by hand?!

Is the way in the post above this one, the only way to unblur the backgrounds of home menu? I would like them clean and sharp.

The categories btw always show here!?

Does a backup made from within skin settings would suffice to setup another box identically? What about skin.shortcuts?

Updating for Artist Slideshow to work again would be nice!!
(2019-12-01, 05:38)AbRASiON Wrote: [ -> ]Guys I have a strange request.

Can I add a front page entry which shows "recently added TV shows"
Not "recently added episodes" but actual shows?   Is this possible?
Have you tried creating a node or a smart playlist that displays what you'd like to have and set that as widget?