(2019-02-23, 18:20)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-23, 18:14)Spiderfish Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-23, 18:02)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ] That is really hard to read.
Try using some kind of pastebin service so that it preserves the line endings and makes DarrenHill happy.
The error is about a filename in your recordings folder.
There is something wrong with one of them at the 20th character.
See if you can find one that looks suspicious and post its name here and I'll see if I can fix it.
I edited above
Try 0.0.101.
I've tested it with a filename that looks like:
Four in a BedÜ - Channel 4 HD%C3%BC - 2019-02-23 14-00.ts
The issue with file name I changed the location of recording as per recording folder and it's fine!
(2019-02-23, 15:51)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-23, 15:45)Spiderfish Wrote: [ -> ]IPTV recorder depends on EPG of channels what if I want to record any channel without EPG? is there any way to do it?
Go into Channel Groups.
Right click on a channel and add a "Add One Time Rule" or "Add Daily Time Rule".
You can't do it through the PVR epg grid at the moment.
Same issue here but for me channels with no epg don't show up at all in iptv recorder. Is there a setting I need to change? I'm on 0.0.101.
(2019-02-23, 22:54)1deep Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-23, 15:51)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-23, 15:45)Spiderfish Wrote: [ -> ]IPTV recorder depends on EPG of channels what if I want to record any channel without EPG? is there any way to do it?
Go into Channel Groups.
Right click on a channel and add a "Add One Time Rule" or "Add Daily Time Rule".
You can't do it through the PVR epg grid at the moment.
Same issue here but for me channels with no epg don't show up at all in iptv recorder. Is there a setting I need to change? I'm on 0.0.101.
I just added this to my m3u and it appeared in "Channel Groups \ All Channels".
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="test" tvg-id="test" tvg-logo="" group-title="test",test
Post the EXTINF line of a channel you think should be appearing and isn't.
You must have an xmltv with at least one channel with program data in it for IPTV Recorder to work.
(2019-02-23, 11:23)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ]@mcxpert and @Laser78 and others with unicode problems: try version 0.0.99.
If the string "m3u8" is in the path of your m3u it will try to decode it as utf8, otherwise it will try to guess the format and might get it wrong.
You should be able to put non-ascii characters in the name now.
IPTV Simple Client in the PVR uses the name after the last comma in the m3u for the display name in the Program Information dialog.
IPTV Recorder will try to match that name to the tvg-name or comma name to find the program.
So try to keep the tvg-name and comma name the same to help the match.
I'm sure I've missed something so could you try various combinations of unicode names to see if you can find where.
Thank's , I'm going to try it
a question, what is the
META4KODI option for?
(2019-02-24, 10:16)Laser78 Wrote: [ -> ]a question, what is the META4KODI option for?
Meta4Kodi is an addon that can do a parallel search of the Kodi library and other addons for a tv episode or movie.
You can use it to find a program that has already been shown and might appear in another addon like iPlayer WWW or YouTube.
There are also some forks of Meta4Kodi that come with players built in. Some are banned from the Kodi forum however so be careful.
(2019-02-24, 10:24)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-24, 10:16)Laser78 Wrote: [ -> ]a question, what is the META4KODI option for?
Meta4Kodi is an addon that can do a parallel search of the Kodi library and other addons for a tv episode or movie.
You can use it to find a program that has already been shown and might appear in another addon like iPlayer WWW or YouTube.
There are also some forks of Meta4Kodi that come with players built in. Some are banned from the Kodi forum however so be careful.
interesting, I'll write it down
Now I see that nothing is recorded to me?
I do not see any error but when I click on
RECORD ONCE the notification does not appear and in the recordings folder there is nothing.
It's very strange...
I have done several tests and the actions in the
JOBS and RULES folders are not recorded ... before if
(2019-02-24, 10:27)Laser78 Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-24, 10:24)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-24, 10:16)Laser78 Wrote: [ -> ]a question, what is the META4KODI option for?
Meta4Kodi is an addon that can do a parallel search of the Kodi library and other addons for a tv episode or movie.
You can use it to find a program that has already been shown and might appear in another addon like iPlayer WWW or YouTube.
There are also some forks of Meta4Kodi that come with players built in. Some are banned from the Kodi forum however so be careful.
Ok interesting, I'll write it down
Now I see that nothing is recorded to me?
I do not see any error but when I click on RECORD ONCE the notification does not appear and in the recordings folder there is nothing.
It's very strange...
I have done several tests and the actions in the JOBS and RULES folders are not recorded ... before if
Maybe it's not working with your channels with the extra formatting in the names.
Try making an m3u channel with a simple ascii name and tvg-name to test that.
ok I'm doing tests again, but it's weird because it was the same list that I eliminated strange characters.
About the format of the list, is it better .m3u or .m3u8?
It is proven what you comment, including another list and now accepts the strange characters (ñ and accents) and even re-record
Thanks mate !
(2019-02-24, 10:42)Laser78 Wrote: [ -> ]It is proven what you comment, including another list and now accepts the strange characters (ñ and accents) and even re-record
Thanks mate !
I think version 0.0.102 should fix most of the problems with strange characters and name formatting.
Use m3u8 files for anything non-ascii to be safe.
I've included test m3u and xml files so you can test with them if necessary.
The program should continue to the year 2020 and record big buck bunny.
(2019-02-23, 15:28)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-23, 15:21)mcxpert Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-23, 11:23)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ]@mcxpert and @Laser78 and others with unicode problems: try version 0.0.99.
If the string "m3u8" is in the path of your m3u it will try to decode it as utf8, otherwise it will try to guess the format and might get it wrong.
You should be able to put non-ascii characters in the name now.
IPTV Simple Client in the PVR uses the name after the last comma in the m3u for the display name in the Program Information dialog.
IPTV Recorder will try to match that name to the tvg-name or comma name to find the program.
So try to keep the tvg-name and comma name the same to help the match.
I'm sure I've missed something so could you try various combinations of unicode names to see if you can find where.
the file reading "Ü" without crash but the channel is not in the list.
YEAH my Telekom Streams are no listed and record.
The Syntax in my list is
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="1" tvg-name="Telekom Fussball 2" group-title="Telekom",Telekom Fussball 2
the tvg-id not allowed to be empty otherwise the channels are not in the list.
Are you sure you have a channel in your xmltv file with an id of 1 ?
<channel id="1">
<display-name>Telekom Fussball 2</display-name>
no for this list i dont have a xmltv file. I use it in "external m3u file 2". in 1 there is a xmltv file. But as I said without an id the streams not listed.
(2019-02-24, 20:39)mcxpert Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-23, 15:28)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ] (2019-02-23, 15:21)mcxpert Wrote: [ -> ]hi,
the file reading "Ü" without crash but the channel is not in the list.
YEAH my Telekom Streams are no listed and record.
The Syntax in my list is
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="1" tvg-name="Telekom Fussball 2" group-title="Telekom",Telekom Fussball 2
the tvg-id not allowed to be empty otherwise the channels are not in the list.
Are you sure you have a channel in your xmltv file with an id of 1 ?
<channel id="1">
<display-name>Telekom Fussball 2</display-name>
no for this list i dont have a xmltv file. I use it in "external m3u file 2". in 1 there is a xmltv file. But as I said without an id the streams not listed.
You have to add the m3u and xml in as pairs in Slot 1 or Slot 2.
You can make a simple xml file that doesn't change as long as it has at least one channel and one program in it.
The least you need to do is something like my test.xml file or the xml example in.
(2019-02-24, 20:53)primaeval Wrote: [ -> ] You have to add the m3u and xml in as pairs in Slot 1 or Slot 2.
You can make a simple xml file that doesn't change as long as it has at least one channel and one program in it.
The least you need to do is something like my test.xml file or the xml example in.
ok i understand and will try it.
is it possible to show free disk space. i have Pi3 with sd-card and share my record folder at the same one.
(2019-02-24, 21:24)mcxpert Wrote: [ -> ]is it possible to show free disk space. i have Pi3 with sd-card and share my record folder at the same one.
Try 0.0.103.
I've added in an item at the bottom of the index page to show the free space in MB at the bottom if possible.
I have only tested it on Windows but it should work on the pi.
It probably won't work for networked drives. It doesn't for an smb share on Windows for me.
If you have a networked server on your home network with a writeable shared directory you should be able to write to that instead of the sdcard.
There is also the Kodi Storage Information screen at
Kodi \ Settings \ System Information \ Storage
I got an error, when i try to call the plugin from the dialogpvrinfo.xml. this error exists in the created estuary Skin:
2019-02-24 21:39:20.453 T:10092 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <class 'sre_constants.error'>
Error Contents: redefinition of group name 'H' as group 5; was group 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\standard\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.iptv.recorder\default.py", line 28, in <module>
start_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(date, format)))
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib\_strptime.py", line 478, in _strptime_time
return _strptime(data_string, format)[0]
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib\_strptime.py", line 315, in _strptime
format_regex = _TimeRE_cache.compile(format)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib\_strptime.py", line 269, in compile
return re_compile(self.pattern(format), IGNORECASE)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib\re.py", line 194, in compile
return _compile(pattern, flags)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\system\python\Lib\re.py", line 251, in _compile
raise error, v # invalid expression
error: redefinition of group name 'H' as group 5; was group 4
-->End of Python script error report<--
Recording from the plugin itself is working very well.