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Full Version: xbmc.Player().play() -- dash video + audio
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I use youtube_dl to resolve a link but the video and audio are in different url's

Is there a way to play these 2 streams together?

                                            {u'acodec': u'mp4a.40.2',
                                             u'asr': 48000,
                                             u'container': u'm4a_dash',
                                             u'ext': u'm4a',
                                             u'filesize': None,
                                             u'format': u'dash-AUDIO-1 - audio only (DASH audio)',
                                             u'format_id': u'dash-AUDIO-1',
                                             u'format_note': u'DASH audio',
                                             u'fps': None,
                                             u'height': None,
                                             u'http_headers': {...},
                                             u'language': None,
                                             u'manifest_url': u'https://v.redd.it/0cjvsnyu7nu01/DASHPlaylist.mpd',
                                             u'protocol': u'https',
                                             u'tbr': 129.856,
                                             u'url': u'https://v.redd.it/0cjvsnyu7nu01/audio',
                                             u'vcodec': u'none',
                                             u'width': None}

                                            {u'acodec': u'none',
                                             u'asr': None,
                                             u'container': u'mp4_dash',
                                             u'ext': u'mp4',
                                             u'filesize': None,
                                             u'format': u'dash-VIDEO-1 - 854x480 (DASH video)',
                                             u'format_id': u'dash-VIDEO-1',
                                             u'format_note': u'DASH video',
                                             u'fps': 30,
                                             u'height': 480,
                                             u'http_headers': {...},
                                             u'language': None,
                                             u'manifest_url': u'https://v.redd.it/0cjvsnyu7nu01/DASHPlaylist.mpd',
                                             u'protocol': u'https',
                                             u'tbr': 2303.416,
                                             u'url': u'https://v.redd.it/0cjvsnyu7nu01/DASH_2_4_M',
                                             u'vcodec': u'avc1.4d401f',
                                             u'width': 854}
You can try MKVtoolnix, and mux them into 1 mkv file.
If you have link for *.mpd file, you can use inputstream.adaptive for playing.
Thank you very much for the info:

I was able to play the video by reading here:

it was simple.
there was no need to <import addon="inputstream.adaptive"/> in addon.xml
there was no need to import inputstream.adaptive in the .py file
(i think the user has to manually enable the addon somewhere but help is easily available for that part)

i'm not playing DRM files so this is enough for my addon:

...setProperty('inputstreamaddon', 'inputstream.adaptive')
...setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type', 'mpd')
I'm using script.module.inputstreamhelper for checking, that inputstream.adaptive is enabled.