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Looking in the \AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\sources.xml file, I do not see where the data type (movie or tv show) is defined, nor where the scraper to be used for each given source is defined.  i've searched through all the files, and I can't find the source code that connects the sources.xml file data to the scraper.  Where is this information?  Thanks in advance.
Its not defined there.

Sources.xml is for Files View only.

The media class, scraper settings and source paths for library items are defined in the database... https://kodi.wiki/view/Incorrect_and_mis...t_a_source
hmm i see, thanks.  can i modify the .db files externally from a program I write myself in C#?  are they encrypted? 

I have been building a skinning mod tool for myself to use to help keep a small group of my friends up to date with skinning changes i make.  I update the skin with some changes, they click a button in my app and it auto updates their Kodi with the changes I made.  I was trying to add functionality to it to where they can just click a button in my app and it adds my private ftp server as a source, including all the appropriate file paths.  I've gotten it to work modifying the sources.xml but like you said that's just for the GUI, it doesn't actually modify the library itself.  is this possible?
(2018-05-11, 07:20)thekingswolf Wrote: [ -> ]can i modify the .db files externally from a program I write myself in C#?  are they encrypted? 
The files are not encrypted. Easily viewed with any sql viewer (I use DB Browser for SQLite). No reason you can't edit externally, though if you break relationships you will create a bit of havoc for yourself in the library and you won't get much sympathy here. Easily fixed though... Fresh Start and rebuild your library.

As for the other questions... It's a fine line between what can be considered personal use and when it becomes piracy and I think you are walking that line at the moment. Not sure if anybody else would be willing to help you overcome your hurdles with how to share media with a "group of friends"
the functionality of adding my ftp as a source would only be done with a fresh install of kodi, or with the creation of a new profile.  It's really just like 3 or 4 people i'm giving access to my files, i don' have unlimited upload bandwidth here lol.  I'm really just trying to push my C# knowledge and experimenting with what i can do and how to do it.  More pushing my learning than anything else.
Ok understand. The question is not one I am able to answer though. Others with the knowledge will need to assist. Smile