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Full Version: How can I reuse the Kodi 'volumebar' dialog?
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What I want to do is use the 'volumebar' to show the current volume of a separate volume channel (a networked pulseaudio stream) that is not related to Kodi's volume. I am currently using a mixture of python and bash scripts (initiated by remote button presses) to control the streaming volume and obtain the behavior I want. The piece that I am missing is an elegant way to inform the user of the current volume level.

The default Kodi 'volumebar' would be the obvious solution except that I have not identified a way to control it. I am aware of the following methods:

(This modifies Kodi's volume which is not what I want to do)


(This doesn't allow me to set the volume level)

I haven't touched addons yet and am hoping I don't need to for this last bit. Might someone know how to reuse the volumebar using python scripting? Or maybe there is an alternate approach I should take?
it's not possible to re-use the built-in volume dialog for that.

you'd need to create your own dialog through python.